Psalm 112 - Part 3
In verse 5 we read: A good man shows favor, and lends; he will guide his affairs with discretion or good judgment. What is favor? There is so much in the word favor. On the Elijah List the other day, there was this statement. It is so good. “Faith will move your mountain but favor causes others to move your mountain for you.” What a statement! Favor is receiving special attention, receiving special treatment because you are God’s child. Why would this be so? Because He thinks you are special. He loves to do things for you. He enjoys giving you special treatment. He delights in giving you a parking place close to the store when you are ask. He delights in giving you a place at the front of the line in the store. He delights in giving you the job you desire. There are so many good books out now on favor. You ought to buy one and read it. It will change your way of thinking. The person that comes to my mind who walks in so much favor is Jerry Savelle. He walks in great favor and teaches on it with clarity. As God’s children, we are highly favored, given preferential treatment, not because we are better than anyone else, but because God loves to do things for us. Every child of God can walk in this favor. It is part of His giving to us. He loves to give. And we as His children love to give also. Right!
We as God’s children have our affairs of life, our life guided by Him, guided by His Holy Spirit. We have our affairs guided with discretion. What does discretion mean? It means we know what we are doing when it comes to doing the business of life. We are not deceived. We have God’s wisdom. Man does not deceive us with telling us ”what a deal I have for you” mentality. We deal only with people and business that God guides us to do. Even when it comes to buying a car and especially a house, we should have our buying guided by the Spirit of God. We can make some BIG mistakes when we buy based upon our senses---oh, it looks so good and I feel so good in it. I know that is the one for me. No, no, no! We are guided by what the Spirit of God says to us about our purchasing. I even ask the Lord to guide me as I buy groceries or a new piece of clothing, things which would appear insignificant to other people to ask for advice. Since all of the money I have belongs to Him, then He would like to have a “say” in what I do with it. It is a partnership. He loves to help us. It really is fun to have His help in everything we do and spend or don’t spend. Try it. It really is a wonderful cooperation between the two of you.
I love what verse 6 says.
Surely he shall not be moved for ever: the righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance.
Do you hear that? Surely, yes surely, most definitely, absolutely, we shall not be moved forever, eternally. You and I do not have to be moved off our stand on the Word of God. We shall not be moved. Remember that song: I shall not be, I shall not be moved. Yes indeed, that is the song we sing. We shall not be moved forever. We will never be moved. We will not be moved off what God’s Word says about us. It is true! And it will be true forever. We must stand on that which will not be moved and then we will not be moved. If we are standing on something that moves, then we will be moving with it. The temporary, temporal word of man shifts and moves and we shift and move with it. But God’s Word is solid, stable, unmovable. And if we are standing on that, we don’t move.
And the last part of verse 6 is good. The righteous shall be in everlasting remembrance. We are ever in God’s memory bank. We are indelibly stamped on His memory. We are His children. He remembers us forever, eternally. We are ever on His mind. We also are in everlasting memory on this earth. People remember the righteous ones and what they do. Our prayers continue even after we are gone, because the Word of God that is prayed on this earth lasts forever. It shall come to pass. Remembrance is a strong word. It denotes being stamped in the memory, and memory is forever. The only memory that is not forever is the sin that we commit and repent of. That sin is washed in the blood of Jesus and is as if it never happened. God will not remember it. He does tell us, however, to put Him in remembrance of His Word, of what we have done with His Word. He enjoys being reminded of that. So today, put God in remembrance of who you are in His Son Jesus. He has you do that, not for His sake, but for your sake, that you might remember who you are in Christ Jesus.
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