What Are We Seeking?
As I was pondering especially this first question this morning, I knew God would not ask this question unless He wanted me to take a good look at where I stood. It was as if He were saying to me: What do you see my Body seeking today? Are they seeking Me or what I can do for them? Do they really love Me or what I do for them, the things I give them, the relief I bring to them? Of course, there is “stuff” He gives to us because He wants us to be abundantly supplied. Of course, there is health for us because He wants us to have His divine health. Of course, there is peace for our stressful situations because He wants us to have His peace. Jesus came, died and rose again so that we can have health, prosperity, peace, righteousness.
Matthew 6:33 tells us that we are to seek first His Kingdom (that is Him and what He represents) and all these things spoken of in the verses before that verse will be added to us (earthly comforts). Hebrews 11:6 tells us that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Colossians 3:1 tells us that we are to seek those things which are above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
In 1 Corinthians 1:22-31 we see that Christ is the power of God. When we seek Him, His power is made available to us because He is the power of God. My determined purpose is that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection. My aim is to please and honor Him, to become more intimately acquainted with Him, to KNOW HIM. When we know Him, when we have Him first in our lives, all that He is, is ours. And that is His power. Did you know that His love is the greatest power in the universe? He told me that 30 years ago. Of course that is true, since that is what He is. God is love; we see that specifically spoken in 1 John twice. He doesn’t have love; He is love. So, it stands to reason, if we seek Him and He is in us, then God love is in us and God power is in us (not God’s love, not God’s power but God love, God power because He is love; He doesn’t have love; He is pure love.).
In John, chapter 6 Jesus told the people that they were seeking Him for what He did for them and not for who He was. It is so easy to seek the things instead of Him, especially when we are in a desperate situation. I know. I’ve been there more than once. But what we must realize and understand is that when we seek Him, when we have the fullness of His Presence dwelling in us, we have all that we need, all the things, all the wisdom, all the power. It resides in Him.
Jeremiah 29:13 tells us that when we search for the Lord with all our hearts, we shall seek Him and find Him. We will find the One Who loves us with all of His being. We are His children, born of Him, carrying His name.
Psalm 69:32 in the Amplified Bible tells us that those who seek God as their first need will have hearts that are revived and live. Psalm 22:26 also says that those who seek the Lord as their greatest need will have hearts quickened now and forever.
We end today’s Pearls with Psalm 42. This is my prayer and should be the prayer we all pray. As the hart pants and longs for the water brooks, so I pant and long for You, O God. My inner self thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and behold the face of God? (verses 1 and 2) Later on in this Psalm we see the results of seeking God. Deep calls unto deep. My spirit within me calls unto the Spirit of God.(verse 7) Ephesians 3:18 says that we will know His love—the breadth, length, height and depth of it. In verse 8 we see the Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime and in the night his song shall be with me, a prayer unto the God of my life. In different versions that verse reads: God entrusts me to His unfailing love day and night alike. He makes His unfailing love shine forth. God promises to love me all day and sing songs all through the night. His love is only a heartbeat away. SEEK HIM!!!!!!!!!!
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