The kind of passion I am talking about is defined as eager desire, zeal, excitement. I used to have many passions as my natural personality is one of being an involved, intense person, fully devoted and focused on whatever I am excited about. God has used that outgoing personality to temper me with His passion for people to come to Jesus and once they do come to Jesus, to teach them how to live the victorious life. So, my main passion in life now is to love Jesus and the Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit and to allow that love to flow through me to those around me. When I look at myself, I know I have so much to learn about God’s love, but I am asking Him to teach me. His love has nothing to do with our emotions. His love is a decision we make to love someone, regardless of how they respond to us or how they treat us. Only God can create that kind of love in any of us. We cannot do it in our own efforts.
I have a passion to do the Father’s perfect will while I am here on this earth. Jesus said that He came to do the Father’s will. That’s what I want to be like. The Heavenly Father has a perfect plan for each one of us to accomplish while we are here on this earth. His word tells us that He knows the plans He has for us, to give us an expected end; they are plans for good and not for evil. His purpose for us will stand. His plans for us will be performed as we yield our vessels to Him, as we let go of our pre-conceived ideas of what we are supposed to do and allow Him to perform for us what He wants happening in our lives.
I have a passion to be obedient to the Lord, to follow His directions, even when it is not what I would prefer, even when it is not comfortable, even when it looks different than the picture I would like to paint. Don’t get me wrong. Following Jesus and being obedient to the Father’s wishes doesn’t have to be hard thing. We are the ones who make it hard with our resistance in the flesh. Sometimes our flesh doesn’t like what it has to do. But our spirit soars in the heavenlies when we are doing the Father’s will, when we are obeying His instructions. Have you noticed that when you obey God, the anointing, the Presence of God is much stronger in your life? Check it out. It is true.
I have a passion to know Him intimately, to know the power of His presence. I never want to seek His power. I always want to seek His Presence, to seek His face. Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you (earthly things). In His Presence is fullness of joy. In His Presence is peace beyond measure. He said that He gives us His peace, not as the world gives. His word says that His joy is our strength. In His Presence is love immeasurable, and we can know the depth and height and breadth and length of His love. In His Presence is such a beauty of holiness and awesome grace. His grace (His ability to do what we cannot do in our own efforts because He loves us) is always more than enough for us. His holy Presence is always beyond what we can fathom; when we enter into one realm of His Presence, there are so many other places in Him that we have not even gone into. There will always be facets of God that we are discovering throughout all eternity. He is like a perfect diamond, many-faceted, light coming from His being. His very nature is one of light, life and love. What a wonderful, beautiful Lord we have.
I have a passion that others will know Him as I do. I have a passion to tell them about my Jesus, how much He cares for them, how much He loves them, how much He wants to give them a life full of abundance in every area.
Our passions are what make up our dream. So, today what are your passions? What is your dream? What has God placed in your heart to fulfill? What do you see for yourself? And what are you doing about it? Are you pressing in to Him? Are you doing something with your passions? It’s time to get excited about the things of the Lord. It’s time to pursue God with an enthusiasm, an excitement, a zeal, an eager desire. The world needs to see a people who have a passionate life in Jesus. We need to make them h-u-n-g-r-y for Him, to the point that they can’t wait to get to know Him. That, my friend, is the result of passion, fire for Him burning in our spirit.
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