Choose To Believe
When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and the stars you have set in place—
what are mortals that you should think of us, mere humans that you should care for us?
For you made us only a little lower than God, and you crowned us with glory and honor.
You put us in charge of everything you made, giving us authority over all things—
the sheep and the cattle and all the wild animals, the birds in the sky, the fish in the sea, and everything that swims the ocean current.
O Lord, our Lord, the majesty of your name fills the earth.
God is Love and Love loves us with an eternal love that cannot be shaken by circumstances or situations. Love loves us regardless of how wicked we are. Love loves us when we are weak and when we are strong. Love loves us when we have faith and when we don’t seem to have any. Love just loves us.
Love made us in His very image with all of His nature in us. Adam and Even gave all of this up but Jesus bought it back for us with His blood. We are bought with a price; we are not our own.
In Ephesians 2:7 we see that God can always point to us as examples of His great love, His incredible favor and kindness toward us, as demonstrated in all He has done for us through His son Jesus Christ.
In Genesis 2 God said: Let us make man in our image, our likeness, to be like us. We are like God. We have His very nature in us as born again children of God. We are born anew in His image and likeness. We are like our papa.
In the NLT 2 Peter, chapter 1, we read that by His divine power God has given to us everything that pertains to life and godliness. He has called us to receive His own glory and goodness. By His mighty power He has given us all His Word, all His promises.
Now, after reading the above, I have a question to pose to you. Seeing how much God loves you, knowing that you are created in His image, knowing that His power is available to you to overcome in this life, why are you trying to figure out how to live here on this earth? Why don’t you stop trying to figure it out and enjoy what you have been given? Faith does not analyze. Faith accepts. Is it in the Word? Then it is yours. Accept it. Don’t try to work it out or figure it out. The more you try to figure it out, the more frustrated you are going to become and the harder it will be.
I have been around for a long time in this Christian walk of faith. And there are several things I can be sure of. I must consistently believe God’s word works for me. And satan will try to convince me that it doesn’t work for me. That’s it. Bottom line. Does it take work to make a decision? I don’t think so. You just make the choice and that is it. You don’t try to figure out how it is going to happen. You have just decided and it is God’s job to work it out for you. Every day each one of us makes choices—we make a choice to get up, to eat breakfast, to get dressed, to take a shower, to go to work, to get in our cars, to go shopping, etc, etc, etc.
Let’s make a choice today that every bit of God’s Word works for us. So what if you have to do some things to keep going while the word of God is working in your life. His Word works. You are no different than anyone else. His Word works. I don’t care how long it takes. It works.
You are God’s beautiful, lovely child. He adores you. He wants the best for you. He always wants the best for you. See Him as the One to believe. Choose to believe Him, regardless of what others tell you or what your circumstances are. He is the One you must believe. Trust Him above other people’s opinions and ideas. He is your Source of strength, faith and power. Depend on Him. You will come through to the other side.
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