The Authority Of Almighty God
Jesus made a very powerful statement while He was here on this earth in Luke 10:19 and 20. He said that we were to see, behold that He has given (past tense) us (that means you and me as children of God) power (This word in the Greek means authority.) over all the power or strength of the enemy and nothing (no, nothing, not anything, nothing in the least, never, no never) shall by any means or in any way harm us or hurt us. But then He goes on to say in verse 20 that we are not to rejoice that the spirits are subject to us but rather, we are to rejoice that our names are written in heaven. In other words, He was saying that our rejoicing should be in our salvation, in our having access to the Father, in the reconciliation to God, in our ability to choose being born again.
To me it’s a big deal to have authority over the demonic powers, but Jesus treats it as a matter-of-fact circumstance for us. The big thing was that we are born again. Why did He put such an emphasis on our names being written in heaven? Well, let’s explore that.
When our names are written in Heaven, we have the Greater One in us, Jesus Christ, through the power of the Holy Spirit. And He has all authority over all demonic forces. In Matthew 28:18 right before Jesus left this earth, He said: All power (all authority, full authority) has been given to me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore….. He was saying: Since I am in you, and I have all authority, go and do what your assignment is. I will be there to take care of any demonic assignments that come up against you.
However, many Christians are sitting waiting on God to take care of their situations when He is saying: Don’t be passive; be aggressive. Take that authority I have given you and use it like I used that whip to drive the money changers out of my house. Drive your enemy out of your temple, out of your body, out of your finances, out of your relationships, out of your life. Jesus has given us His authority. We have full access to the power and authority of God. It has been given to us. My question today is: What are we doing with it?
We are in covenant with Almighty God through the blood of Jesus. Those who are in covenant cannot be touched by the curse or by satan or by his demonic forces. All he can do is intimidate and coerce and attempt to get us off course. But when we know that we are in covenant with God and that we have been given His authority and that we are seated with Him in heavenly places and that He is in us and we are in Him, it is a done deal. We are victorious whether we feel like it or not, whether the circumstances line up or not. We are victorious. Why? Because the Word of God says we are. Period, end of discussion.
We must take our authority as a weapon and take charge of the enemy, resist him and he has to flee. But there is a preamble to that. Draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to us. He is the One Who has released His authority on our behalf. He is the One Whom we want to stay very close to. Why? Because the authority comes from Him to us. It is a life flow back and forth. That’s why he tells us in Ephesians that we are seated in heavenly places with Him. He is the One with the might (power) which He has given to us. We are super(natural) people! He puts His super on our natural and we are a team working together.
Whenever you come under attack, find out the specifics of the battle plan from your Commander-in-Chief and take your ground and maintain it. A person in the military knows his level of authority. The centurion proved that when he came to Jesus and said that he understood authority. He was a military man.
You have authority from Almighty God. Use it to walk in the victorious life.
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