Honor God, Honor The Word
I looked up the word “honor” and here are some of the definitions I found: the esteem due or paid to worth; high estimation; a testimony of esteem; any expression of respect or of high estimation by words or actions; dignity; exalted rank or place; distinction; reverence; any act by which reverence and submission are expressed.
When we honor God, when we honor His Word, we are placing His Word and Him in an exalted place in our lives, in a place of high rank. We are esteeming and valuing Him and His Word by our actions and words. We are reverencing Him. We are submitted to Him.
We must value God’s Word that we hear. Jesus told us to take heed what we hear and how we hear. Whatever value, reverence, respect, honor we place on what we hear is the amount of anointing, or revelation or ability or blessing that comes upon us, that comes into us. The measure we use to honor the Word of God and to honor God is the measure that will come back for us. How much we respect and honor the Word will determine how much revelation of God’s ways comes to us. Oh, I must emphasize this greatly. I want to transmit to you that which is in my spirit. Honor God! Honor His Word! Honor His ways!
In 1 Thessalonians 2:13 Amplified Bible we read: …the Word of God is effectually at work in me who believes, exercising its superhuman power in me who adheres to, trusts in and relies on the Word of God. (I have personalized it so that you could speak this scripture over yourself.)
We see from this scripture that the Word of God is effective; it is working in us WHO BELIEVE! The Word of God exercises the power of God in me when I rely on the Word, when I trust in the Word, when I cling to the Word of God. The Word of God is my very lifeline, my very life blood. It is what keeps me going. It is what changes circumstances and situations around me. It is what heals me and keeps me healthy. It is what causes me to prosper. It is what saves my friends and family. It is what keeps me on the right path. The Word of God is above every other word that is spoken.
Repeat after me:
I believe and respect the power of God.
I receive and respect the anointing of God.
I believe and respect the Word of the Lord.
We as children of God must be the ones who set the standard in this world where honor and respect is concerned. People have lost the knowledge of what true honor means. Even in the Christian world, I see too much familiarity, which dilutes respect and honor. We must carry ourselves with dignity. I think of kings and queens who are here in this earthly realm. They carry themselves with dignity. There is a certain protocol when you meet them. Even so, there should be great respect and protocol exercised where God is concerned and where His Word is concerned. In some instances, we have become so familiar with Him and His Word that the honor accorded Him because of what He did so that His Word could operate in us has been lost in the transition.
God is to be honored. He is to be highly esteemed. His Word is the most valuable thing you have. He is the most valuable One you have a relationship with. You and I must show Him the respect, the honor, the dignity that is His. I value the Lord and His Word above all else. He is more precious to me than anything else on this earth or in heaven. His Presence is my delight. His Word is my very substance on which I live. Without Him and His Word I am nothing.
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