The Freedom of Righteousness
God Almighty, maker of heaven and earth, planned to take your place as your substitute so that you could go free. Jesus purchased your freedom from sin, satan, sickness, disease, poverty, lack, want, rejection, discouragement, disappointment, failure, defeat, etc. I could go on with the list but you get the picture. Jesus bought you with a price---His blood. He bought you out of the slavery you were in. He then put you in a place of victory as an overcomer through His blood and on the authority of His name and His word.
This is our place as children of God, as children of Almighty God. We are royalty. We are special. We are full of the nature of our Father God. We have all that He has because He has given all that He has to us. We have been given His power and His authority to take charge of our lives here on this earth. We have authority over all demonic forces because of the blood of Jesus and the authority we have been given by the words of His mouth.
It is time we rise up as the strong and mighty people that we are and take our place in this earthly realm as sons and daughters of the King. He said that He is King of kings. Well, what does that make you and me----royalty like our Father and brother Jesus. And how does royalty act? Do they grovel and scrape the ground, with head hung down and arms at their side, looking for just a little crumb to barely get along? I think not. A king or queen walks with head held high, knowing who they are and what their authority is. They know who they are. Let me repeat that again. They know who they are.
And who are you? You are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. You are the healed of the Lord. You are prosperous and successful. You are filled with the love of God. You are a person of faith. You are all these things not because of anything you have done but because of what Jesus has done for you. Take it. It belongs to you by birth and by inheritance. You are a child of the Most High God. Act like who you are. Royalty doesn’t act with assurance one day and go with head hung down the next. Whether they feel like it or not, they are royalty and they act accordingly.
There is a certain “air” about those who are royalty. I have watched Queen Elizabeth as she has visited our country and seen how she conducts herself. She is regal. She is class. She knows who she is and has carried out her duties in that capacity on a consistent, steady basis over the years, even in the face of all the tragedies she has endured. That is what is expected of her. She is the queen. She is expected to conduct herself with dignity at all times, whether she feels like it or not. Even so, we as children of the King of the universe are expected to conduct ourselves with dignity and assurance consistently, whether we feel like it or not.
We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. God’s life in us is the result of redemption (We’ve been ransomed, purchased out of bondage.) The result of God’s life in us then is righteousness. He has given us His righteousness, His force of being right, of rightness, as Terri Pearsons says. And the result of this redemption and righteousness is freedom. We are free. We are loosed from satan and all he is—death, sin, sickness and disease and poverty.
As Romans 8:2 says: The law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus has set me free from the law of sin and death. I am alive unto God, zoe, life, righteousness, health, prosperity. I am dead to sin and all its accompanying forces of sickness, disease, poverty, lack, want, failure, defeat, depression, etc. I am free.
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