His Word is True for You
Let's start with believing God's Word. You know it is one thing to hear someone's testimony about what believing God's Word did for their life. It is quite another thing to believe God's Word will work for you personally in your life. The first thing we all must realize is that God's Word is based on God Himself, Who cannot lie. Next, we must understand that He is no respecter of persons. Then, we must get it established in our minds and hearts that He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If He did it for one, He does it for all. If it is in His Word, then it is for you and me right now, today.
What if you have had disappointments or what seem like failures when you have "believed the Word?" What do you do with that? I'll tell you what you do with that. Put it behind you and go forward. How do I know that? Been there, done that. There must come a point in your life where it does not make any difference whether you see results or not in your life, you know that you know that you know that God's Word is true for you. I came to that point years ago and it has made all the difference in my life. Why? I don't care whether it looks like it is working or not. I know God's Word is the same always and is just as true for me as it is for anyone else. You must settle that once and for all. That must be a settled subject in your life. God's Word works every time, all the time, for whosoever. Are you a whosoever? Then you qualify.
We are told in Numbers 23:19 that God is not a man that He should lie nor does He change (repent) His mind about what He has promised in His Word. He has said it and He will do it. He has spoken and He will make it good. Right here, in the Old Testament, God has set up a principle, a law for you to go by. Here it is. You can accept it as true for your life or you can continue bemoaning the fact that it doesn't seem to work for you. Well, you are getting exactly what you believe. You must change your believer, your believing system. How? Take this one scripture and speak it over yourself. See yourself with this truth. Speak it and meditate it and read it until it becomes real to you. And don't back off until it is more real to you than anything else you hear.
In this world we will hear many things that the enemy of our life, satan, will try to infiltrate our minds with. He tells you that it won't work for you. It never has worked for you. Why do you think it will work now. Well, isn't that interesting. Here you are a child of God listening to God's enemy and yours. In the world if the United States listened to an enemy country and did what they told them to do, our country would be in the hands of the enemy and under their control. Do you get the picture? Why listen to the lies of the enemy when they are designed to get you under their control? Likewise, why listen to satan when he is designing lies to control your life.
God's Word is true. It was true yesterday. It is true today. It will be true tomorrow. Its truth doesn't depend on what happens in your life or what you think about the Word or what your experiences have been or will be. The Word stands by itself forever true, whether you see it working in your life or not. I am going to make a very bold statement here. It applies to me or you or anyone else who is a child of God. The reason the Word doesn't "appear" to be working in our lives is because of our unbelief or our ignorance of how to receive. It is not God's fault it is not working. Every apparent failure of God's Word in my life or yours is because there is something we don't know or understand or grasp. Does that make God love us any less? Of course not. Does that mean we are failures? Of course not. What it means is that we don't know it all. We have much to learn about God's kingdom. But let's press forward and get excited about what the Word is doing and will continue to do in our lives.
Jesus is the Word. Can you trust Him? Then start there. He tells us in John 10:10 that He has come that we might have and enjoy life in abundance, to the full, until it overflows. That sounds like it is possible for every one of us.
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