Legal Rights in God's Kingdom
Once I am born again, this physical body is off limits to sickness and disease. Sickness and disease has no legal rights to my body. My body is the property of God----so only that which has legal access to this property has rights to be in it or on it. For anything that doesn’t have legal rights, it has no legal right to be on my property. There is a NO TRESPASSING sign posted to sickness and disease or even its symptoms.
On my dad’s farm, when it is posted with NO TRESPASSING signs, that means that only those he authorizes are allowed on the property. It is used mainly for hunters. No hunters are allowed except those he authorizes. So, likewise, think of this. Jesus has posted a NO TRESPASSING sign on you the minute you were born again. You are off limits to satan. He is a hunter with a gun loaded with sickness and disease. He is not allowed on the property. Now it is altogether a different situation if you allow that hunter on your property. You have given him permission to hunt. We are the only ones who can give authorization to sickness and disease and its accompanying symptoms. Satan has one goal: Put on the pressure with the symptoms and squeeze to the point that we open our mouths and accept the disease by acknowledging the symptoms. When there is pain involved, it is a fight to the finish for property rights.
Anything which attempts to trespass in your body is subject to prosecution. You and I have an attorney, advocate, the Holy Spirit, and also Jesus our advocate before the throne, to defend our rights. And we have a witness to our rights-----the blood of Jesus.
You and I are righteous. Righteousness gives us the rights of the Kingdom of Heaven. We are entitled to those rights both by birth and by inheritance. And part of those rights is the divine health of our Heavenly Father. We have legal rights to His health. Anything else is illegal. Hallelujah!
The best definition I have heard for righteousness came from Terri Pearsons. Righteousness is the force of being right, the force of rightness. This righteousness ----force of rightness in God---causes us to be right when we’re in His presence, because we’re in the presence of rightness, in the presence of righteousness. Righteousness is actually a force that pushes out all that is contrary to it. Righteousness is the force of health that pushes out sickness and disease and death. It is a strong and mighty force because it comes from God Himself.
In the presence of righteousness---Him---God, there is nothing else that there is any room for. The atmosphere is permeated with righteousness, when He is around. And since He is in us who are born again, righteousness permeates our bodies with health. There is room for nothing else. We’re filled with Him. We’re filled with righteousness. We’re filled with divine health. If we allow other stuff in, it crowds the righteousness of God in us. God’s force of righteousness is active in us and for us as much as we allow. We are righteous. Jesus changed us and made us just as righteous, just as right as He is.
Romans 3:22-24 tells us that we are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. 2 Corinthians 5:17,18 tells us that our spirits which were in the image of death are born over into the image of life, and we are righteous. As the righteousness of God, we have throne rights in the heavenly realm. God our Father has given us those rights. We didn’t deserve them and we certainly have no way of earning them. They are simply God’s gift to us as His children because He loves us and wants the best for us. We have a right to be healthy and free from sickness and disease.
It takes a stand of faith to stand in righteousness. We must believe that we are righteous or we don’t receive the benefits. We can’t receive that which we don’t know anything about. In the natural realm, if we don’t know that we have inherited something, we don’t get it. It is the same in God’s kingdom. If we don’t know about it, we can’t access it. God’s righteousness in me is going to make my body right because He’s right. It is not because of my own ability to be right, but God is in me with His righteousness, which includes divine health. Receive it today. It is already yours.
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