Words Determine Our Destinies
There was an expression when I was in school: Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. That is about as far from the truth as anything I have ever heard. Words affect the way you think and the way you think affects the way you feel and the way you feel influences what you do. Words are extremely powerful tools or weapons that can be used to help or to hurt.
Even in the Old Testament, in Proverbs 18:21, we are told that death and life are in the power of the tongue and that we will eat the fruit of what our tongue speaks, whether it be for life or whether it be for death. When we are speaking life over a situation, it gives God the opportunity to come on the scene and bring His life into the situation. And, of course, we know what word the life of God resides in. The life of God resides in His Word, the Bible, the scriptures. Words of death come from the earth’s idea of what to speak. Death means separation from. It can be separation from our bodies, separation from financial stability, separation from healthy relationships, separation from divine health, separation from God overall. Death doesn’t just refer to our spirits leaving our physical bodies. It refers to anything that separates us from the best of God’s Kingdom for us, the best of His benefits.
Whatever we put in our minds and in our hearts in abundance is what will come out and produce results. Just one word spoken will not change the environment around us. But what we keep speaking out and what we keep talking about will eventually get in our hearts in abundance and then out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. That means that whatever is in our hearts in abundance will come out with a force that will produce what we speak. It doesn’t happen when we speak it once or twice or three times or even a dozen times, but there will come a time when that word has been spoken so much that we actually believe it. Then, out it comes and changes our lives. That can be for good or for bad or evil. We make the choice with what we say all the time.
Let’s deal with some examples. How many times have you heard someone say? My feet are just killing me. That tickles me to death. I was scared to death. I was frightened out of my mind. That just burns me up. I gave him a piece of my mind. Don’t play near the street because a car might hit you. Every winter we get the flu. Just as soon as spring comes, I know that I will have to take allergy medicine. I’ll never be able to do what I used to do. I’m getting too old for that sort of thing. When you get older, your bones break. I just know I’ll have to have my knee joints replaced. My father and my grandfather had heart attacks before they were 40, so I know I will, too. I never was very smart. I just can’t catch on to things like other people do.
We could go on and on with these statements but I think you get the picture. Check your life today. I’m not asking you to go out and shout in the streets what you have done wrong or to get into pride and say that it was not your fault. Take a good look at your life and where you are today. Then after taking inventory, determine to change what you say about yourself from this day forward. I know you will have to discipline and train yourself to change, but wouldn’t it be worth it. I think so.
I take inventory of my life periodically and check up on what I am saying and what others may be saying about me. What I do is plead the blood of Jesus over what I have said that is producing the wrong things in my life and I speak crop failure over the seeds of those words that I have been speaking. I’ll give you a recent example so that I can help you to get started. I know that there is a change coming in my life and ministry. And what I have been saying is this: I don’t know what we are going to be doing. Only God knows. Yesterday the Lord corrected me and said that I was to speak the word regarding my future. Well, this morning He gave me scripture after scripture to speak, and I am doing it. You can do the same to change your words for good.
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