God's Will - My Will
And, of course, that is exactly what Adam and Eve did. They made the wrong choice. But, whoa, wait a minute before you get all uptight and condemning about them. We make wrong choices where God is concerned also. We make the wrong choice when we choose to believe the lies of satan rather than the truth of God’s Word. We make the wrong choice when we choose to believe that we can do it better than God can. We make the wrong choice when we listen to, respond to, act upon anything that makes us worry, get upset and anxious. That is choosing death, just like Adam and Eve chose death when they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Death (separation from) works in any situation in which we “choose” to go any way other than God’s way as spelled out in His Word. That may sound rather restrictive to you, but it is the path of freedom that cannot be understood until you have experienced it.
As we grow in the wisdom and understanding of God’s Word, the Holy Spirit of God directs us to make the right choices. There is that knowing inside us that we are to do a certain thing a certain way. If we choose to ignore that voice of God, we have not chosen God's life operating on our behalf in that situation. Thank God for His mercy which prevails many times in spite of our wrong choices because of His lovingkindness. But there are consequences to wrong choices and there are consequences to right choices.
In Deuteronomy 30:19 KJV we read: I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live.
In this verse in the Old Testament we see very clearly that the result of choosing life is blessing and you and your children living. And I might add, living the good life.
Every day we make choices based upon what we are thinking and what we have been reading and hearing and who we are around. God created us as creatures of choice.
The will is that part of our soul that actually controls how we think and how we feel. The will in turn is guided by the spirit of man. If man’s spirit is guided by the Holy Spirit, then the will makes Godly choices, in line with the Word of God. If man’s spirit is guided by himself, then the will makes choices in line with the world’s way of doing things.
Ephesians 1:9 tells us that God has made known His will, His plan, His purpose. It is not a secret that He is withholding from us. It is God’s desire that we know His will for the overall plan of mankind and also for His specific plan for our lives as individuals. When Jesus was here on the earth, He said that He sought the will of the Father and then did what the Father showed Him to do and to say. His good pleasure was to do the Father’s will. That should be the expression coming from our hearts and out our mouths. My pleasure is to do the Father’s will every day for my life. I choose the will of the Father. His will is good for me.
In Colossians 1:9,10 we are told that Paul prayed that each person might be filled with the knowledge of God’s will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding so that each of us might walk in a way pleasing to the Lord and being fruitful in every good work. In Hebrews 13:20,21 we read that the God of peace would perfect us in every good work to do His will, working in us that which is well-pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ. We make right choices with the help of the Holy Spirit because of the way that has been opened for us through Jesus Christ and His blood. We read in Romans 12:2 that we renew our minds to be transformed so that we can prove what is God’s perfect will. God’s will for us is perfect and wonderful. What we have to do is choose God’s will by choosing His Word. His Word is His will every time. And the Word which is alive and full of power will divide (show us the difference between) the soul and the spirit and discern the thoughts and intents of our hearts.
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