Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Authority of the Believer - 27

We cannot leave the teaching on authority without talking about the Crown of Glory.

In Psalm 8:5b, talking about man, we read: “and hast crowned him with glory and honor.”

A crown represents authority. People who wear crowns are kings; they have authority; they reign; they have dominion over a kingdom. God’s intention for man is that he reign as a king on the earth. And kings don’t reign in a beggarly way or act like they are weak. Jesus has made us unto God kings and priests. Jesus is the King of kings. He is the big King and we are the little kings.

Here in Psalm 8, the psalmist was excited about creation. He was looking at the handiwork of God, the beauty of His handiwork. He was praising God for all He’s created. While he is considering the handiwork of God, the psalmist thinks: Why would this great God have anything to do with man? Well, thank God, God created us in His class. We are an heir with Jesus to all God has because Jesus provided the way for us to be heirs. In this Psalm 8:5,6 he was talking about Jesus but ultimately he is talking about us because we and Jesus are one---He is the Head and we are the body of Christ.

Remember Genesis 1:26-28 regarding man’s dominion. He is a duplication of God. A duplication is a little lower than the original. God is the Creator and anything He creates is a step down from Him. Adam was an exact duplicate of God. Adam was like a king in this planet as God is #1 in the universe. So are we now. As He is, so are we in this world.

Adam had the authority on earth God had in heaven. God intended for earth to be an exact duplication of heaven. The very life and nature of God was breathed into, (inspired) by God into Adam who up to this point was lifeless. The life force (divine, absolute life) of God was placed in Adam. God pronounced Adam king of this earth, this planet, placed a crown of glory and honor on his head; Adam was king, in complete control of earth.

God told Adam to dress and keep (guard) the garden and protect it from all intruders. Adam disobeyed and thus gave his crown of glory and honor, representing authority, to satan. Let me give you some scriptures on stripping of the crown of glory. Job. 19:9 He has stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head. Psalm 78:61 And delivered his strength into captivity and his glory in the enemy’s hand. Romans 3:3 All have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

Every time satan shows up, he perverts. There is darkness. Satan is a one who perverts. He doesn’t create. He takes things God creates and makes them opposite. That is his nature. God’s nature is light. Satan’s nature is darkness. God’s nature is love. Satan’s nature is hatred. God’s nature is life. Satan’s nature is death. God’s nature is faith. Satan’s nature is fear. God is health and life and prosperity and abundance. Satan is sickness and disease and death and lack and poverty.

Satan could not tap into God’s anointing. He tried and was kicked out of heaven. He was so desirous, so greedy for power and position that he did not stop trying to get God’s anointing after he was removed from heaven. And he saw his chance with the man that God had created in His image and likeness with His anointing. He would attempt to steal this anointing from man. And he succeeded. Oh, but God had a plan before the foundation of the earth. He and His Son Jesus had a plan. And what a great plan it was. And satan didn’t know anything about it. He tried to guess at the plan but never succeeded in uncovering the plan. What a God we have. What a love He has for us, His mankind, His children when we accept Him.

Before God left satan, after Adam bowed his knee to satan, God prophesied to satan and gave him the directive in Genesis 3:15. God said in essence, I’ll get the crown back for man. He was actually prophesying the virgin birth. The point is that satan didn’t know what God was saying other than God was going to raise up a mighty one to bruise satan’s head and take authority back.