Be Doers of the Word
In this life, whether you are walking in faith or not walking in faith, situations and circumstances will arise to challenge your walk in this life. We live in a flesh and blood world with our bodies, surrounded by the stuff of this earth and the voices of this earth. Washing machines break down, cars need servicing, bills need to be paid, food we eat and air we breathe and water we drink has become less than pure. There are temptations to the lust of the flesh and the pride of life and the lust of the eyes all around if one tunes into the world system, via television, movies, internet, etc. I am sure you are saying: Where are you going with this, Kialeen? What are you saying to me today? Don’t you think the better question would be---what is God saying to you and me today? What is His call?
I have noticed lately that the devilish attempts to sidetrack and overcome God’s people have increased, as the darkness gets darker and the world becomes more wicked. BUT, and this is the big word----BUT, BUT GOD-------------as the world gets darker, the Light of Jesus Christ----and we are His Light in this world----gets brighter.
The Lord posed a question to me today, and it is this. What are you doing in your personal walk with Me with the revelation of my word that you have been given. Are you practicing that? Are you a doer of that Word of revelation I have given you? And I have discovered something. It is not anything new, just a fresh reminder. What good is it if you have all the revelation of the word of God and have read all the books on faith and have listened to all the CD’s on faith and gone to every Word of Faith meeting and don’t put into practice what you know. And here is the critical factor. Don't wait until a crisis comes or you are broadsided with something, and then all of a sudden attempt to become a doer of the word. It doesn't work that way. This is a lifestyle of believing, of acting on faith in everything we do, 24-7. Practice now. Speak, confess, meditate on the word and deliberately practice operating in that word of revelation that has become a part of you. Then when the crisis comes, you are ready.
I have heard more than one person say that it takes a test to have a testimony. And don’t say I said that God sends tests and trials. NO, a thousand times no. But because you live on this earth, tests do come, and things do happen. What we do with it determines our success or failure. Don’t wait until the test comes, to attempt to walk in faith. It won’t work. That’s like trying to put a roof on your house in 150 mile an hour winds. In your daily walk, begin to be a doer of the Word of God that you have learned. Practice, like a pilot practices storm situations in a trainer. Practice. Practice. Practice.
Let’s give a few examples. Speak the Word on healing and meditate it until you know that you know that you know that you have gotten the revelation of it. Then if a headache comes or a cold tries to come on you, resist it with the Word. Stand on the Word of God and be a doer of the Word. As you practice, you will become more and more confident that the Word of God will work in your life.
Speak the Word on God’s provision and meditate on it until it becomes revelation to you. Then, deliberately, on purpose, set your faith to have a pair of socks provided for you or a sweater or shirt. Then graduate to suits and dresses and then to small amounts of money and then larger and larger amounts. Then, houses and vehicles.
Don’t wait to be a doer of the Word. Start now by speaking the Word and meditating the Word on healing or prosperity or a closer walk with the Lord or your marriage or your children walking in the fullness of God. You don’t start at the top. You start at the ground level and build a solid foundation and then your house of faith will not crumble when the storms of life come. Jesus told us that in the story of the two houses, one built on sand and one built on a solid rock. Go back and read that story again in Matthew 7:24-28. HEAR AND DO!!!!!!!!!!!!
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