Focus On?
In the year 2008, you will achieve what you focus on. You will move toward that which you see in your mind and have had placed in your heart. The human eye is a marvelous piece of machinery. Whatever your eye focuses on is what you see. Your brain tells you what you are seeing and your eye takes in all that is in its range of vision.
What is your vision for this year? What is your focus for this year? Are you focusing on the problems of 2007? Are you focusing on all your unanswered prayers? Are you complaining about the situation in which you find yourself? OR Are you focusing on the wonderful possibilities God has in store for you in 2008? Are you focusing on all the prayers that are going to be answered in your life? Are you focusing on the great life you have? What do you have to be thankful for? What do you have to be grateful for?
I have an assignment for you. Sit down and write down as many things as you can find to be grateful for. I am grateful that I have human eyes to see. I am grateful that my hands work and perform a myriad of tasks every day effortlessly. I am grateful that my feet and legs work wonderfully pain free as I walk about doing my daily tasks. And, yes, I am grateful that I live in America. America is a great country. I am grateful that God has given me His grace to be born again, to be filled with the Spirit and to know Him intimately in this present world. I am grateful for His Presence. I am grateful for heaven. And I can go on and on as you should be getting the idea by now.
You see, my dear friends, it is what we focus on that we move toward.
When I am grumbling and complaining, I find nothing that satisfies me. My husband is not right. My life is not right. My children are not right. Nothing is right. There is always something wrong with the opportunity the Lord presents to me. It is not what I want. It doesn’t live up to what I expect. It doesn’t suit me. There is a rut that we can get into if we are not careful about what we see around us. We can begin to see only the negative. OR we can see only the positive. The choice is ours. It is not about our situations. It is about what we make out of our situations.
I have seen people in the worst of circumstances focusing on a bright future. And I have seen people in good circumstances gripe because it is not as they want it.
When we focus on Jesus and what He has done for us, we begin to have the right focus for our spiritual eyes. And if we will move toward Jesus, toward what He has for us, toward His goodness, toward His mercy, toward His grace, toward His Word, we will be moving in the right direction.
I am certain that 2008 is about changing our attitudes to line up with God’s attitude. Until we are willing to surrender all that we are about, all that our life is about, all that makes us comfortable and gives us the warm fuzzies----yes, when we are willing to surrender “us,” only then will we become what God has destined us to be. Surrender---ah, there is a word that not everyone embraces anymore. Surrender means losing control. Control by whom? You? When I surrendered my right to be in control, that was when I gained a whole new life.
Life in the God lane is wonderful. He is doing the driving and I am enjoying the ride. I know that sounds corny in a way, but it is true. The Lord is waiting for each of His children to wake up and realize that the greatest life to be lived on this earth is the life that is surrendered to Him, the life that has been placed in His hands. Then, and only then, will we be able to say: As He is, so am I in this world. I am not my own. I am bought with a price. The life I now live I live by the faith of the Son of God Who loved me and gave His life for me.
Focus on Jesus in 2008. Ask the Spirit of God to direct you and move you toward the destiny He has for you. Ask the Lord to direct what you think and what you say. Ask Him to direct your finances and your giving. Ask Him to show you what to wear, what to eat, when to shop, what to shop for, where to go. He is interested in our natural needs and earthly responsibilities as well as our spiritual well-being. He is the One Who made us and knows what our interests are. He knows what makes us happy. He knows all about us. Focus on Him directing you in every aspect of your life.
What are you seeing? Your life will gravitate toward what you are focusing on. In 2008 focus on Jesus and you will go toward the right things. You will go in the right direction. Don’t let last year determine the focus of your future. Let Jesus determine the focus of your future. You have a bright future. Enjoy every minute of the present as you are moving toward what God has for you. Too many times we lose the present in our pursuit of the future. Enjoy where you are on the way to where God has directed you. Enjoy today as you pursue tomorrow. And above all else, keep your focus, keep your spiritual eyes on Jesus. He is a good driver and knows the way because He has traveled the road before you.
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