The Promise and The Oath
From Hebrews 6:13-20 we see this information.
We have a strong consolation from God by two immutable, unchangeable things to anchor our hope in God. Jesus is our hope, our anchor, Who has entered into the Heavenly Holy of Holies for us. Those two immutable things are:
His promise
God made a promise to Abram in Genesis 12:1-3, and Romans 4:13tells us that that promise was that Abraham should inherit the world. How? Through Christ, The Seed.
His oath
Then God confirmed the promise with an oath, by the oath of blood covenant. In Genesis 15 God made covenant with Abram, whose name was changed to Abraham. God became one with Abraham, right in the middle of his life and his name through covenant, walking in the blood of animals. Then in Genesis 17 we see Abraham’s part of that covenant through circumcision when his human blood was shed by Abraham in agreement with the covenant God established in the blood of animals.
Next, we see (in type) Abraham offer his only son to die, with the intent of blood shed. God stayed Abraham’s hand from shedding the blood of his only son. So Abraham obligated God as his covenant partner to do the same, offer His only Son. This is exactly what God wanted; he then had the open doorway to offer His only Son to die for all mankind.
Jesus, the Son of God, came.
He shed His blood---He died.
He rose again.
He entered the Heavenly Holy of Holies with His blood.
He sat down, indicating His work was finished. He’s resting.
By faith, we are to enter into that rest because we are in Him and He is in us.
It’s called the rest of faith.
It’s a finished work, completed before the foundation of the world in God’s eyes.
That’s what God beheld all those thousands of years before Jesus came---the finished work.
Just like our Father God, our inner spiritual eyes are to behold the finished work before our physical eyes see it.
In Romans 4:16 we see that inheriting the promise of God depends entirely on faith, that it may be given by grace. In verse 17 we read that God gives life to the dead and speaks of nonexistent things that He has foretold and promised as if they already existed. In verse 18 we read that when human reason for hope was gone for Abraham, he hoped, IN FAITH. In faith, he hoped, as he had been promised. Faith hooks up to God’s promise and is assured because of God’s oath in blood covenant that it shall be even as He has promised. His oath sealed His promise.
Communion----the bread and the wine representing the body and blood of Jesus, covenant elements----represent that promise and oath established forever. It is an earthly, tangible reminder of God’s Word, that His Word is a reality for our lives. He has established it forever.
In verse 19 we read that because of the promise which was then confirmed by God’s oath in covenant blood, then one doesn’t weaken in faith when he sees physical contradictions to the Word of promise.
In verse 20 we read that then no unbelief or distrust makes one waver concerning the promise of God. But one grows strong. One is empowered by faith as he gives praise and glory to God.
He is fully persuaded.
He is fully satisfied.
He is fully assured.
He fully agrees that God is not only able and mighty and willing to keep His Word, but He WILL DO WHAT HE HAS PROMISED!
We have what he promised fulfilled in us because He has made us righteous. The only thing we have to do is accept what He has done for us, what He has said in His Word. We are righteous and we receive by faith.
After our study of the promise and the oath, let’s make this confession from various parts of the Amplified Bible in Hebrews and Romans.
I approve, acknowledge and regard Your ways, Lord.
I adhere to, trust in and rely on You, God.
I am compliant to and persuaded by You, Lord, because I have faith in You.
God, Your faith inside me perceives as real fact what is not yet revealed to my senses.
I lean my entire personality on You, God, in absolute trust and confidence in Your power, wisdom and goodness.
I believe, adhere to, trust in and rely on You, God.
Your works for me were completed and prepared and waiting for me, who would believe, from the foundation of the world.
I believe; therefore, I enter Your rest, the land of promise.
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