Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Purity of Power

The Lord woke me up this morning with these words, “The Power of Purity.” We are interrupting our teaching on Abraham to send this pearl this morning.

God is pure, without contamination of any kind. He is 100 per cent love. He is 100 per cent life. He is 100 per cent light. He is totally pure, free from anything that would hinder. He is nothing but wholeness, life, health, wealth, prosperity in every area, freedom.

His power is pure. His love is His pure power. God is love. In Him is no hatred or fear. God is Light. In Him is no darkness. God is life. In Him is no death. God is righteous. In Him is no sin.

God, with His purity of life, love, light, health, prosperity, righteousness, is living in you and me if we are born again. Think of this: The purity of God is in you right now. And as He is, so are we in this world (1 John 4:17). How is He? Let me repeat: He is righteous, prosperous, healthy, successful, victorious, free, full of life, love and light. That is the way we are.

We are just like our Father. And I hear you asking me this question right now. Then how come I am sick? How come I am broke? How come I am in pain? Why am I defeated? Why do I feel like a failure? Well, there is an answer. These things I have just described in this paragraph are the way the world thinks and feels. Pain, sickness, poverty, lack, defeat, failure are all elements of the curse which Adam and Eve brought to this world when they disobeyed God.

If you are born again, if you have accepted what Jesus did for you, you are free from the curse. You are a child of God. You are walking in The Blessing of the Lord. His Blessing does not include sickness and disease and all that the earth holds now. His Blessing includes health, wealth, life and abundance.

When things of the earth come against us (and they will) we must be so sure of our God and so sure of His Word that He has given to us, that we take no thought of the contrary things in our lives. Our thought must become so centered, so focused on God and His Word that nothing else matters. When we are sick and in pain, we confess His Word that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed, that our Father sent His Word and healed us, that the Holy Spirit dwells within us with His life-giving power. In order to walk above all these things, we must focus on God’s Word when we are well, when we are financially secure, when everything is well with us in the sense of earthly things. Then, when trouble comes, we are ready. Our mind has been and continues to be renewed to the fact that we are the healed of the Lord, that we are the prosperous and that we are ones living in a life of abundance, a life of The Blessing.

We choose to believe that God’s Word is working for us, even when we don’t see anything happening in the natural realm. We choose to call those things that be not as though they were until they become. That is the way our God is. In Genesis 1, He stepped out into darkness and said: Light, be. That is calling those things that be not as though they were. If He would have been like most people, He would have said: Wow, it sure is dark out here. No! He said what He wanted. He CALLED what He wanted and he got it. You are just like your Father. You CALL and you get it.

It may take you some time to call, because your mind is mixed with ways of the world and the Word of God. But keep on doing it until you have purity of power, the purity of God and His Word operating in you. Then you will see His power manifested in your life everywhere you go and in everything you do.

How do we become purified like our Father? Here it is: Psalm 12:6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. His Word represents Himself, purity. Take His Word, confess it, speak it, declare it, proclaim it over your life and those in your family and you take the purity of God into your life. His power will manifest.