In Spirit and In Truth
Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem worship the Father.
Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.
But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
God is a Spirit; and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.
What was Jesus telling this woman? What was His point? He was saying to her that the hour was coming when where people worship God is not so important as how they worship Him. He said to her: Believe Me. In other words, believe what I am telling you. What I am saying to you is vitally important. There is a time coming when you will worship the Father and actually Jesus neither merely in this mountain nor merely in Jerusalem. You will worship Him everywhere. It is not about the place where you worship. It is about your heart being the place where worship is centered. You can stand in the most ornate cathedral and not be worshipping, if the action is not based on your heart relationship with God Almighty.
Worship is so vital to the Body of Christ, to the individuals who make up the Body of Christ. True worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth. He is seeking, searching for, looking for those who will worship Him with all their heart. He is looking for those who will love Him with a love unstoppable, a love that is undeniable, a love that is unquenchable.
When we love someone, we want to be with them constantly. God is looking for a people who will love Him with all their heart, all their mind, all their soul, all their strength. He is looking for those who will worship Him with abandonment, love Him with a total involvement.
Those who worship the Lord in spirit and in truth do not regard what others think about them or the way they adore God. Their eyes are so focused on the One they love that there is not the concern for the acceptance of man or the stamp of approval by man regarding the way they worship. We must worship Him from our hearts, in Truth.
Jesus said that He was the way, the Truth and the Life. They that come to Him must believe Him, trust Him, accept His ways. He is Truth. When the world contradicts Him and His ways, we choose Him. All else is a lie in comparison to the Lord and His ways. How do we learn His ways? We study His Word, which is Truth, which teaches us Truth. He’s the Way to everything. He is the ultimate Truth for everything. He is the eternal Life in everything.
We worship Him because we love Him. It is that simple. We worship Him because we can’t stand it to be away from Him. He is our very breath we breathe. He is our very life. We are so in love with Him that nothing else matters. True worshippers worship Him because they love Him. They worship their Bridegroom. They adore their soon-coming King.
Worship is the act of paying honor and reverence to someone. It is the act of respect and adoration. God is to be honored, revered, respected and adored. Close your eyes and see Him as He looks at you with eyes filled with liquid pools of love. He loves you. Worship the One Who loves you. Where do you start? Just start by telling Him that you love Him. Perhaps that seems to be a strange thing to do, but do it anyway. Just sit quietly and speak the name of Jesus softly over and over. Tell Him how special He is to you. Read the Psalms which talk about worshipping and praising Him. He sits and He waits patiently for your very act of worship. God is a Spirit and we worship Him in spirit and in truth. Our spirit responds to His Spirit. His Truth brings us into the reality of Who He is and the utter awesomeness of His Presence. Worship Him.
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