Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Monday, June 29, 2009

The Strength of God's Victorious Power

As God’s child, you have access to something others cannot enjoy. It is God’s victorious power. It is the strength of His victorious power. Behind every power demonstration of anything is the strength that produces that power. God the Father, Jesus the Son and the Holy Spirit are both the strength and the power of our lives.

God gives us His strength. His insides are the fullness of Himself. He is in us with His fullness. As we yield to His fullness instead of meditating on the weakness of our situation, we will operate in victory through His power being demonstrated. What a power source we have not even begun to tap into! Herein lies the essence of walking in victory here on this earth. It is God’s power; it is God’s strength; it is God’s victory that we have available to us 24-7. We don’t tap into it because we are too busy thinking about what is wrong and what we consider the insurmountable problem.

If we would do something as simple as rejoicing instead of pondering the immensity of our situation, we have strength. The Bible tells us that the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10). We read in Psalms 84:7, Amplified Bible, that we go from strength to strength, increasing in victorious power. Look at that. We will go from one place of strength to another place of strength, and along the way we will increase in victorious power. I like that phrase----not just power, but victorious power.

How do we do that? Here we go. Are you ready for the answer? We do it by choice. Everything we as mankind do is by choice. We make decisions every day. God created us with the capability of making decisions. He gave us a will. He gives us choices. It is our decision, not God’s decision. He has already made the decision that all of mankind has access to His Kingdom through His dear Son Jesus Christ. All of us have access to all of God. The degree of God and His power that is operating in us is dependent upon our choice. We can either choose to focus on our problems. Or we can choose to focus on the One Who gives us His strength and His power to move on through to victory.

No one said that making these choices was always easy, particularly when the enormity of the situation is screaming in your face: ”What are you going to do? What are you going to do? What are you going to do?” Of course, we all know who the author of that voice is----none other than our enemy, satan himself. He knows he is a loser, but he tries to convince us that we are the losers. No, sir, we are the winners. We won when Jesus Christ was raised from the dead. We were raised with Him from the dead situations of our lives. Look satan straight in the face and say: “I am a winner and not a loser!” We need to make these declarations if we are ever going to walk in God’s VICTORIOUS power.

I conclude today with Psalms 84:12, Amplified Bible, to remind us where we get our strength and victorious power.

O Lord of hosts, blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man who trusts in You [leaning and believing on You, committing all and confidently looking to You, and that without fear or misgiving]! We look to Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:2). He started it and He can finish it without any difficulty.

Here are the key words to God’s victorious power operating in us: Leaning on Him (instead of our own puny efforts), believing on Him; committing all; confidently looking to Him; no fear or misgiving about His care for us.