Healing Without Pause
You will notice that she said what she would get. She said that if she could touch His clothes, she would be made whole. Thank God, we don’t have to do that today. He has given us His Word. We speak His Word, which is Who He is. We touch Him through His Word and we are made whole. Whole----what an important word. Everyone wants to be made whole with nothing missing and nothing broken in their lives. I am sure that today each of us could echo that statement. We want to be whole----whole in our spirits, our souls, our bodies, our relationships and our finances. Jesus is the One Who has opened the way for that wholeness in each one of our lives.
After she spoke, she took action on what she had spoken. She went in the crowd to get to Him. By doing so, she was placing her life at risk. She could have been stoned by Jewish law, since she was not to be out in the public at all with her issue of blood. She risked everything to get to Him. “If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole.” She thought she could do it quietly and slip away. But, immediately, Jesus perceived that the healing power had been drawn on in His body. The woman in fear and trembling, knowing that she had been discovered, fell down before Him and told Him the truth. At that point, she did not know what would happen to her according to their law.
Only Jesus could do what He did. This was His response to her----so beautifully reassuring. “Daughter, your faith (your trust and confidence in Me, springing from faith in God) has restored you to health. Go in (into) peace and be continually healed and freed from your [distressing bodily] disease.” Mark 5:34, Amplified Bible.
In essence, what Jesus said to this woman was this. You are a member of the household. It is your faith that has restored you to health. It has come from God’s faith; your confidence and trust in God has sprung from God’s faith. Now, you go into peace. What is peace? It is that state of wholeness in God that all of us want. It is a place of knowing that all is well, regardless of what is going on around us. It is that place of assurance that those things in our lives which are broken are being taken care of and we are mended, without even the evidence of former brokenness. Isn’t that awesome!
God is the best “fixer.” But here is the best part. Jesus told her to be continually healed, not just once, but all the time. I looked up the word “continually” in the dictionary and this is what I found. Listen to this: without pause or cessation; permanence, lasting; constant; steadfast; without ceasing. Are you hearing this? Jesus said to her, and to us as well, since He is no respecter of persons: Go into wholeness and be healed constantly, without ceasing. Healing is flowing as a continuous, 24/7 virtue in our physical bodies as born-again believers. In fact, we are told in Romans 8:11 that the same Spirit that raised Christ Jesus from the dead dwells in our mortal bodies and quickens or gives life to those bodies. The Healer is living inside us; He has taken up permanent residence. He is not a guest. He is a permanent owner. Christ in us, the hope of glory!
I don’t know about you, but this revelation excites me!
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