The Fire of God, Part 2 (11-2)
As we continue our teaching on the fire of God, let’s finish looking at 1 Thessalonians 1:9-12. In verse 10 we see Jesus coming, glorified in His saints, His consecrated people, and admired in them who believe. Remember that Jesus told us in John 17:22 that the glory the Father gave Him, He gave to us. We have been given the glory of God. What we must do is receive it. Most people are afraid even to consider such a possibility----the Presence of God, the fullness of His power resident in us. But it is true. Jesus has given us the glory which the Father gave to Him. It is the same glory that God, Jesus the Word and the Holy Spirit gave to Adam on the day He was created, the day God breathed the breath of life into Him. That breath of life was the glory of God which God Himself imparted to Adam, poured into Him. God gave a portion of Himself to Adam, enough for Adam to create and operate the whole universe. That same glory is what is resident in you today as a born again child of God.
In verse 11 we read this: Taking all into consideration that you have heard in verses 9 and 10, pray that God would count you worthy of your calling and fulfill all the good pleasure of His goodness and the work of faith with power, that He would complete or fulfill your every work of faith. I thought it rather interesting that I was to pray this, which would seem like God would do anyway for me. But then I realized that even though all is available to me, God has bound Himself to my decisions. I find that totally mind boggling, considering what a risk that is. That is the way He set it up. He has bound Himself to our decisions.
And finally in verse 12 we read that we are to pray that the name of the Lord Jesus be glorified in us and that we be glorified in Him, according to the grace of God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
God the Father is total power. This power is an outflow of His whole nature which is Love. God’s divine love is the greatest power in the universe. God is Love. God is described in one word----Love. Our human eyes see this power as lightning, brightness beyond the capacity of the human eye to behold, splendor, thunder, shaking.
When Moses went up the mountain to meet with God, the people were afraid because of what they were seeing and experiencing. They said they did not want to go near the mountain. I have only had one or two experiences with God where His Presence overwhelmed me, and I have heard testimonies of people who have encountered Him. They are prostrate on their face before Him and sense the intensity of His power. That power is in you and me today. In most of God’s people it lies there dormant all their life and never is used to change the world. And those of us who have allowed Him to move through us have accessed a minute portion of His Love, His power. I believe in the days that are ahead of us as the Body of Christ, we are going to see more demonstrations of the fullness of His power. He wants to show up and show out. God has been waiting for this hour.
The Holy Spirit is shown as fire in Matthew 3:11, Luke 3:16 and Acts 1:4-8, 2:1-4 when He baptized men with His power, the power of God. That power, the Presence of God, is defined as fire. We see a vivid picture of the fire of God Almighty in Ezekiel 8:2. He is described as the likeness of the appearance of fire---from the appearance of His loins downward He is like fire and from His loins upward He had the appearance of brightness.
In Hebrews 1:14 we are told that the angels of God are sent forth as ministering spirits for those who shall be heirs of salvation. In Psalm 104:4 we read that God makes His angels spirits, His ministers a flame of fire. I am sure that there is a fire connected with the angels of God, because they are created by Him, Who is fire.
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