Favor of God Part 2
Let’s look at the word “favor” in the Strong’s Concordance and the dictionary so that we know what favor really is.
New Testament Strong’s
Favor---5485 charis (khar’ece), from 5463 chairo (khah’ee-ro) In OT chesed may be closest word to charis in NT. It literally is referring to God’s lovingkindness, which disposes Him to show favor and grace.
Graciousness, especially the divine influence upon the heart, and its reflection in the life, including gratitude.
To be cheerful, calmly happy or well-off
Hebrew-Greek Bible
Charis—A kindness granted or desired, a benefit, thanks, gratitude, grace
A favor done without expectation of return; absolute freeness of the loving-kindness of God to men, finding its only motive in the bounty and freeheartedness of the Giver, unearned and unmerited favor.
Chairo—Grace, as joy is a direct result of God’s grace, to rejoice, be glad
Webster’s Dictionary
Regard or esteem as shown to another
Act or instance of kindness
Help, assistance
Suggests an actual interest and a willingness to give approval or support, sometimes implying partiality.
Old Testament Strong’s
Kindness, graciousness, make well, successful, sound, happy, delight, to be pleased with, to satisfy a debt (to be pleased with, especially in connection with paying off a debt) , be acceptable, accomplish, delight self, enjoy, reconcile self
Favor is something granted out of good will
A gift not earned, not bought
Gift bestowed as token of love or friendship and preferential treatment
What Jesus did on the cross earned you the favor of God.
Favor is actually God’s grace extended toward us, which we receive by faith. As all of these definitions indicate, favor is kindness freely granted from a heart of love toward another person. God has granted us His grace, His favor, because He wants to see us happy and joyful. He wants us to know that life is good with Him. He wants us to see that he will support us and cause circumstances and people to line up to bless us. God’s ultimate desire is that we enjoy life with Him. Favor is the ingredient that paves the pathway of God’s Love and Grace.
Repeat this: I am highly favored and greatly loved by my Father God. He has only good for me all the days of my life. Favor goes before me and behind me, paving the way for my success. I choose to walk in God’s favor everywhere I go. Thank You, Lord, for granting me favor.
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