The Favor of God, Part 5
Let’s see what else we can discover about the favor of God.
God is disposed to do good to us all the time. He loves to display His goodness on our behalf. That is favor.
Look at Numbers 6:25, 26.
The Lord makes His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee.
He lifts up His countenance upon you and gives you peace.
Think about it, you stand there before the Lord and He says to you: “I am shining my life and love and strength and success upon you today. Go forth bathed in My graciousness, My favor, to be honored and esteemed today everywhere you go.”
Then, all day long, you repeat what He has said to you, His instructions, so to speak.
“I am walking in the graciousness and favor of the Lord. That means I am honored and esteemed by everyone everywhere I go. Favor is my portion all day. His strength, His life, His love, His success are mine today.”
You’re the object of God’s affection. You are loved. You are highly favored of God. Even in hard places, have confidence; everything is going to be OK. Why? Because God is on your side. He loves you. He’ll never let you down.
In Romans 8:39 we read that nothing can separate you from God’s love. You are loved. You are valuable in the sight of God. You’re somebody special. You’re the handiwork of God. You’re created in His image. You’re family—His son, His daughter. You’re special.
You know what happens as a result of all this knowing that you are favored and loved of God. A sense of well being and an excitement of being alive in Jesus comes over you; your spirit pours forth success and achievement, and that is what you draw to yourself.
You are filled with God’s fullness and are highly favored. Speak Ephesians 3:17-20 over and over to yourself during the day.
Because of God’s favor, His possibilities take over your impossibilities. For with God nothing shall be impossible (Luke 1:37). If you have faith as a grain of mustard seed…., nothing shall be impossible with you. See God stepping into your impossible situation, which He is doing every day, if you will allow Him to take care of things for you. No matter how impossible it looks, God is going to work everything out. He’s on your side.
Look at what Romans 8:32 tells us: “With Jesus, God freely gives us all things.”
You are a success. You like people and people like you. You are flowing in God’s love and others respond positively to that love and are blessed. God’s healing power is released for you and for others around you. God’s ability and strength is released in you to bring healing and salvation to others. God is in you and you are in Him. The impossibility destroyer is in you. He sees no impossible situations, only opportunities for success and victory. He will turn bad situations into successes. His life is in you; His faith is in you; His love is in you; He is in you, waiting to be released in you, to be released to others
Favor opens doors impossible to open. Favor changes rules, regulations, policies, and even brings down governments if necessary to open doors for you. What are you looking at today that seems impossible? Believe God’s favor goes before you and makes the way for you to walk on through to the other side.
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