The Favor of God, Part 6
We cannot talk about favor without discussing God’s grace, which some define as favor you do not deserve or merit. Grace is another word for favor. Of course we don’t deserve God’s grace or His favor or His love or His goodness. There is nothing in us that deserves anything. But, oh, with Him, we deserve it all. There is only one reason for that access to God: He loves us and wants to be with us. He wants us. He desires us. He wants to be friends with us.
God has and is pouring out on you, your home and your family His grace, His spirit of favor. Therefore, everywhere you go today, see God pouring out on you (like a bucket of pure love) His favor, His love, His whole being. See yourself drenched and saturated in the river of His love and favor. Failure and defeat are not in this container He is pouring out on you. There is only success and victory in God’s container, regardless of what it looks like to you in the natural world. You are blessed, so that you can also be a blessing to others.
Luke 2:40 tells us that Jesus grew, and waxed strong in spirit, filled with wisdom and the grace of God was upon him. Jesus grew in wisdom and favor. Likewise, we also can grow in the wisdom and favor of God. It can increase in our lives. Speak Luke 2:40 over your life until you see yourself walking in God’s wisdom and favor, just like Jesus, because Jesus Himself through the power of the Holy Spirit, dwells in you.
How can we increase in favor?
We must consider your ways. If we find things in our lives that are not pleasing to God, we need to correct them, take authority over them and get them out of our lives (Psalms 119:58,59).
We must continually seek God. Keep our ears open. Listen to His instructions. Learn to be sensitive and hear His voice clearly. Spend time with Him. Read and speak His Word. Pray in the spirit. (Proverbs 8:33-35) The more intimate the fellowship, the more intimate the favor.
We must be obedient, always quick to obey His instructions
We must hunger for truth (Proverbs 3:1-4). Jesus said that when we continue in His Word, we shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.
We are to strive for excellence (Proverbs 11:27).
We must have a zeal for God’s word (Proverbs 13:13,14).
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