Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Thursday, April 01, 2010


Psalm 23:1-3
The Lord is my Shepherd to feed me, guide me and shield me. I do not want or lack for any good thing.
He makes me lie down in the fresh green pastures of His Word. He leads me beside the still waters of His Word and His Spirit.
He refreshes and restores my life within me.
He leads me in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

Look at these verses. What promises they hold for us right now. The one I want to focus on in this Pearl is righteousness.

Look at verse 3: He leads us in His paths of righteousness. That means that God will lead you always in the right way, to the right people, at the right time, and in the right place. That means that He has given us all the rights to His household of faith. He is our Father, and we are children of His household. We have all the privileges of the household. What are some of those privileges or rights we have as His righteous ones? We have health, prosperity or success in our lives, rest, freedom, wholeness in every area of our lives, safety, security, abundance, success, victory over trials and circumstances, and assurance of a place in God’s heart. We are His blessed ones.

If we couple Psalm 23:3 with Proverbs 12:28, we have a powerful confession. In the way of righteousness life and the pathway no death. We must remember what death means. It means separation from something. It is not just separation of our spirits from our human bodies. It is separation from anything. Death puts a wall or dividing line between us and something. SO, God’s Life is in the way of righteousness, and in the pathway of righteousness (God’s way of doing things, His way of thinking and being and living) there is no death. That does not mean that we are not going to die physically if we are not raptured. When our work is finished here on this earth, we separate from this physical body and go home to Heaven.

Hallelujah! He lives! Because He lives, I can live also! Rejoice in the Lord always!