In Genesis 22:14 we see the first time that God revealed Himself as Jehovah-Jireh, our Provider. We all know the story of Abraham being willing to offer his only son Isaac in response to the Lord’s request. We know that he was a type of the Father Himself offering His only Son Jesus for us on the altar as our substitute. In a few weeks we will celebrate that event, Easter. God provided the ram for the offering in the place of Isaac.
The word Jehovah-Jireh literally means, The Lord will see. God sees ahead of time, down the road, what you and I will need for our lives. Even when it looks like things are really tough and there appears to be no way to take care of a situation, we must remember that God already saw us in that situation and He has a provision made for us. He is always our answer. He will always take care of us. It is our Father’s good pleasure to do things for us. He delights in giving us His best.
When tough times come, look to Him. There are no tough times in God’s Kingdom. There is no such thing. We get uptight when we depend on our own ideas of provision instead of allowing God the freedom to make provision. Yield to Him! Deliberately, by an act of your will, depend on Him, even when you feel like you can’t. He will even help you to believe and yield to His ability to provide. Living with Him is living the good life! Yield! He will come through for YOU!
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