Redemption - Part 2
I am a part of the Body of Christ, and as a part of the Body of Christ I have been redeemed, loosed from the curse of the law because Jesus loosed me. He set me free. He gave me freedom. It is like a big heavy chain had been attached to me and Jesus came and loosed me from that chain tying me down. It even says in 1 John 3:8 in the Amplified Bible that the reason the Son of God was manifest, made visible to us was to undo, destroy, loosen, and dissolve the works the devil has done. You and I have been loosed from the works of the devil. And what are the works of the devil? Sin and all of its consequences. Sickness and disease. Lack and poverty and want. Failure and defeat. Doubt and unbelief. Failed marriages and failed relationships. Children gone astray. It is all listed in Deuteronomy 28. The blessing and the curse is listed.
Jesus opened up the way to the blessing of God when He became a curse for us. He literally absorbed that curse into Himself, soaked it up like a sponge absorbs water. It became a part of Him so that the blessing could be absorbed by us, become a part of us. The minute we accept Jesus as our Savior, we have taken up the blessing into ourselves. We have become right with God. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. Sin has been washed away by the blood of Jesus and what we have is the blessing because Jesus loosed it for us, loosed us from the clutches of satan and the curse. Hallelujah! That is shouting ground! Spend the rest of eternity thanking Him for what He has done.
In Deuteronomy 30:19 we read that there is set before us life and death, blessing and cursing. We are to choose life that both we and our seed may live. In Deuteronomy 11:26 we read that God has set before us a blessing and a curse. We choose the blessing by obeying Him and His Word and not turning aside from the way in which He commands us to go.
According to verses 11-16 in Deuteronomy 30, God’s Word is not hidden from us, but His Word is near us, in our mouths and in our hearts that we may do it. He has set before us life and good, death and evil. He gives us a command: Love your God, walk in His ways and keep His Word. When we keep His Word, we live and multiply and we are blessed. We see in the New Testament in Romans 10:8-10 the same Word. Righteousness says that the Word is near us, even in our mouths and in our hearts, that is, the Word of faith. Who is Righteousness? Christ Jesus the Lord. If you will confess with your mouth and believe in your heart that God has raised Christ from the dead, you shall be saved, delivered, set free. For with your heart you believe unto righteousness and with your mouth confession is made unto salvation, deliverance, freedom.
In these verses we see the way to obtain and maintain the blessing in our lives. It is a direct command. It is a very straightforward command. Do this and you will walk in the blessing that God bestowed on all mankind. He has set His life before us. He has shown us the way: Love God, keep His Word, obey Him. Keep His Word in our mouths and in our hearts. Confess it, believe it. That’s it. The word confession here means using the mouth to bring forth, to declare a thing in order to establish or confirm it. Salvation is the word soteria which means rescue, safety, deliver, health, save, inclusively of all the blessing of God in Christ. It is from sozo which means deliver, protect, heal, preserve, save, do well, be (make) whole. What more do we need?
Here is the “what more do we need” part. We personally have to DO WHAT THE LORD COMMANDS US. WE MUST BE DOERS OF THE WORD AND NOT HEARERS ONLY. A hearer believes. A doer puts that belief in action. That action is a result of faith, trust in God.
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