The Authority of the Believer - 28
He knows God is going to raise up somebody to bruise his head (break his power). So, here satan is. He has gotten man’s crown. He has gotten man’s authority. He gotten man’s planet. He has gotten man’s kingdom. The earth is cursed and perverted. God is on the outside looking in. Before Adam fell, satan was on the outside looking in and God was saying to him: You’re not going to reign in heaven or earth. Satan saw the same thing on earth as he saw in heaven when Adam was created. Every time satan looked at Adam, he saw God. He was boiling and wanted that power.
The crown of glory is symbolic of the nature of God in manifestation. It represents God’s attributes, His authority, the power of God emanating from a man, God’s character, everything of God, supreme and complete authority.
Adam willfully disobeyed God and His Word. He knew what God had told him. The moment Adam did this with his own will, he was stripped of the authority of God on this earth. He no longer was the man he had been created to be. Satan became his illegitimate stepfather and perverted everything. Everything about Adam changed. He was born again from life to death and exchanged the nature of God for the nature of satan. We take a lesson from this and realize we must by our own will obey God’s word, regardless of what it looks like or our authority is useless also.
And satan took charge of this planet, took the crown and perverted God’s glory into iniquity and sin. But ever before satan was what God said about “her seed.” First he thought it was Abel, but he died. After the flood, satan’s first thought was that Noah was the man. After 950 years Noah died. It wasn’t him. Next was Abram. God tells him his seed will be mighty on the earth. After 25 years Isaac is born. So satan watches Abraham 175 more years and he dies. Next is Isaac and he dies. Then men and prophets prophesy of the Messiah’s coming and they die. Then God talks to Moses and satan watches all the miracles he does. But he dies. Next is Joshua with the walls of Jericho; he tells the moon and sun to stand still and they do; he leads the Israelites. But he dies. Along comes Samson who with his bare hands tears the lion in pieces and with the jawbone of an ass kills 1,000 men. But he dies. Then Elijah walks into the king’s court and tells them it’s not going to rain anymore until I say so. He challenges 45 prophets of Baal. But he dies. Then Elisha has a double portion of Elijah’s anointing. He takes Elijah’s mantle and splits the Jordan and goes across on dry land. He is a mighty man of God. But he dies. Then Isaiah prophesies the virgin birth. Satan can’t stand this. Who is it? He has had to deal with all these men and it is not the right one yet. Can you imagine his frustration and his anger and his efforts being exerted to get rid of all these men and yet it is not the right one. Jeremiah and Ezekiel both prophesy of the Messiah. Then after the prophets, there is SILENCE.
Satan decides: I’ve won.
THEN, John the Baptist comes saying: The seed is on His way; it’s almost time. All hell is alerted, alarms sound.
THEN, JESUS IS HERE---God says: This is My Beloved Son. NOW, SATAN KNOWS----The fight is on.
In Luke 4 we see satan’s temptations of Jesus—all a part of HIS taking on satan for us, but satan didn’t know that. He thought he might have a chance to defeat this one like he did Adam. Jesus answered satan every time with the Word and defeated every one of his temptations. We have the same instructions: Don’t ever answer satan with anything else but the Word. The devil told Jesus he would give Him all the power and glory delivered unto him. Jesus came for the crown. So satan offered it to him if he would bow down and worship satan. Jesus was the second Adam. The first Adam fell with something to eat. Jesus passed the first temptation so in the second temptation, satan got right to the point. Jesus has been through for you all you’ll ever be tempted with or go through, and He has overcome it for you. That’s why you are more than an overcomer. He has overcome and you partake of the fruit of the overcoming.
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