Agape Love's Protection
You see, Agape Love is God Himself, His nature, His Presence, His power, His anointing. When we are living in His Presence, we know what to do and where to go and when to do it and what to say when we get there. He is the One Who created the universe. He is the One with the power. He is the One Who is all powerful. God is Love. Love is God.
In Psalm 91, verse 1, we are told to dwell under, abide under the shadow of the Almighty, Whose power no foe can withstand. God’s Love is His power. That is the source of His power. That is God Himself. He is our protection. He is our shelter. He is our refuge. He is our fortress. He is our shield. He is our buckler. He is our everything. We can trust Him. We can have confidence in His ability to protect us. There is no fear in Him. There is no fear in Love Himself. There is no fear in Agape Love.
When we say God is our refuge, we are saying Agape Love is our refuge. And when we say Agape Love is our refuge, we are saying zoe, God’s life is our refuge. He is our total security system. He is our shelter in the times of storms around us, whether natural storms or life’s spiritual or physical storms. He is there always. When we say God, Love Himself, is our refuge, we are saying that He is the place where we are safe and protected. He is our hiding place from all physical danger. When we say Love Himself is our fortress, we are saying that He is our place of strength. He is our defense against all human enemies. He is our stronghold against all of satan’s strongholds. We are to lean on Love Himself. We are to rely on Love Himself. We are to confidently trust in Love Himself. He is our shelter and our protection.
Love Himself delivers us from the snare of the fowler. In my dictionary a snare is described as a trap. It is anything by which one is entangled and brought to trouble. It is anything which brings us into unexpected evil, perplexity or danger. It is anything which causes us to be unexpectedly involved in difficulty. Satan’s trap is to attempt to get us sidetracked and off the main road of Agape Love. He will use anyone and anything to do that. Why? He knows that the power of God is the Love of God. If He can get us off Agape Love, He can get us out from the power and might of God Almighty. Without God’s power, we are weak in this natural world, subject to the same things that a person without God is subject to----no power, no ability to disengage ourselves from the trap.
And we all know what we must do to walk in Agape Love. It is spelled out for us in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. We are to practice Agape Love at all times, until we automatically respond to all situations with Love Himself’s reaction.
God operates totally differently than we do in the flesh. We see that in His Word. He tells us to give and we will reap. He tells us to love when people spit in our faces and talk nasty to us and talk about us behind our backs and persecute us and revile us and say all matter of evil against us. God knows that as we respond in kindness and patience and tenderness to people (regardless of what they do), we ourselves will reap the consequences of His power in operation on our behalf. When we use His principles, the principles of His Kingdom, we are releasing His Love, Love Himself to operate on our behalf.
God has only good things for us. Part of our inheritance is His protection, the protection of Love Himself. If we are not operating in His way of living in Love, we will not be under that protection. The days in which we are living are the times that we need to walk in the protection of God, Love Himself. In fact, we see in Psalm 91:14 that when we set our love upon Him, He will deliver us, set us on high, answer us, be with us in trouble, never forsake us. He will satisfy us with long life and show us His salvation. Remember that word salvation encompasses everything, including protection, security and deliverance. In Agape Love’s pathway is life and protection.
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