The Kingdom of God
In Whom we have our redemption through His blood [which means] the forgiveness of our sins.
I saw some wonderful truths in these two verses this morning that I would like to share with you. As you read this Pearls and others, say to yourself: I believe I receive the revelation of this for myself and I will walk in it.
The Father Himself, our dear Heavenly Father, has delivered us from the control, the dominion, the domain, the authority of darkness. Darkness is satan’s domain where there is sin, sickness, disease, pain, poverty, lack, want, failure, defeat. It is satan’s place of operation. And here we are told in the Word of God that we as God’s children have been delivered from that terrible place.
Then we are told that we have been transferred, brought into the Kingdom of the Son of His Love. Our Father God not only delivered us through His Son Jesus’ death, burial and resurrection. He also set us someplace else when He delivered us. He set us into His Kingdom, the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ is the One Who shed His blood and redeemed us, gave the Father the right to deliver us and give us our freedom. We are free from everything that is in that darkness of satan’s realm. Do you hear me? You are free. You are no longer bound. By faith declare it today and claim it and walk in it. You have to start somewhere. Start with declaring it. That is what faith is all about. Your freedom has been bought and paid for. You receive it with the words of your mouth and it becomes reality in your spirit and then it becomes reality in this earthly realm.
Jesus, by what He did, bought the earth for us. The He gave it to us as a gift and said: Now, it’s yours. I bought it for you. I’ve given you all My authority, all My power as your King to rule over it. You’re My king here now. Exercise your authority. I have bought the rights to this earth for you (like when someone has mineral rights to a piece of property).
It’s the kingdom of this earth. It’s God’s Kingdom we are to establish here. Take this world back. It doesn’t belong to satan anymore. It belongs to Jesus Christ, Who paid for it with His blood. He told us right before He left this earth: All power in heaven and earth has been given to me. You go, therefore. He meant: You go with my power, my authority and rule and reign in My place. There has been a problem here in that God’s people have not wanted to take that authority because they didn’t realize that it has been given to them. They are afraid they don’t deserve it or should have it. They are right about half that statement. None of us deserve it but we have it anyway. God loves us that much.
This Kingdom which God has given us is ours by gift and by inheritance. We did nothing to deserve it or to obtain it other than to receive it and say: Thank You, Lord.
It’s legally ours because Jesus has provided it. Satan tries to have squatter’s rights illegally. He has no rights here. Only we do. He is illegal.
We pray a statement in the Lord’s prayer and just gloss right over it repetitiously and mindlessly. Thy Kingdom come; thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Why do you think we pray that prayer? It is to wake us up to the fact that God’s Kingdom comes on this earth as we recognize it, declare it and walk in it ourselves, being the kings that we are.
The Father loved each one of us so much that He sent His only Son Jesus to this earth to get the rulership, the Kingdom back for you to rule and reign while you are here. Jesus paid a dear price with His life and His blood to obtain your freedom. Believe it. Accept it. Receive it. Walk in it. Say: I believe I receive the fullness of the revelation of the authority I have on this earth and the kingship that I have been given to rule and to reign. I believe I walk in it every day.
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