Call Until Your Image Changes
God created man with this wonderful ability to visualize, to dream, to see things in His mind as if they were already in existence. We get this naturally from our Heavenly Father. He has given us His ability to create by speaking. Our words are the composition material for things---yes, things.
In the very beginning of time as we know it---God has no time constraints because He is eternal----we read in the book of Genesis in chapter one that God spoke and it became; God spoke and it became; God spoke and it became. He started by speaking: Light in Me, BE!!!!!!!! And He thus released His very insides, His nature, His way of doing things, His ability into this earth to set the standard, to set the stage for what He had planned for the man that He was going to create. And then He proceeded to make an earth that was beautiful beyond our description. He created it all for us. Man was the last thing He created and set in the beautiful Garden of Eden to enjoy all that God had created. What a plan God had for man. And man messed up that plan. But God being Who He is, had a plan if man messed up the original plan. He would send His Son in the likeness of flesh to become the second Adam and walk it on through to victory.
Now we who are alive on this earth have the capability, the capacity of Almighty God to do what He does----call things into existence with the words of our mouth. Man does it every day and doesn’t even realize it. We speak and if we speak it enough times over years of time, it will indeed become reality. People can speak all the negative they want and no one even bats an eye to correct them. But if you start speaking the opposite of the negative, speaking what the Word of God says, you are labeled as a fanatic, as not being realistic, as not having your act together, as being a dreamer. Do you know why this is a fact? It has taken satan thousands of years to get man where he wants him in terms of the words he speaks and the thoughts he thinks.
Oh, but my brother and sister, there is a new breed arising on the horizon, strong and tall and mighty. It’s a powerful group of men and women who dare to speak God’s Word in the face of opposition, of contrary circumstances, of all hell coming against them. And they still stand, refusing to bow to the negative consequences of the world and its system. They stand as kings and priests in the Kingdom of God and they know who they are. They know Who Jesus Christ is in them and they know what He wants to do through them. Are you one of that new generation?
What is this new generation of God’s people doing? They are calling; they are declaring; they are decreeing; they are confessing God’s Word in agreement with Him. They are speaking His Word out into the atmosphere of this earth and making a difference wherever they are. They are determined to produce God’s Garden once again. They are determined to bring the zoe life of God wherever they go. And how are they doing that? They are doing it with the pure Word of God spoken out of their mouths, coming off their lips. Can you hear the sound of their call? It’s the voice of the Lord being released in this earth. Once again, the Word Himself, Jesus, is speaking through His people.
And what is Jesus saying through us? You are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ. Greater is He Who is in you than he who is in the world. You can do all things through Christ Who strengthens you. You are the head and not the tail. You are above and not beneath. You are to prosper and be in health, even as your soul prospers. He is your Shepherd to lead you and guide you and feed you. You shall not want or lack for any good thing. The Law of the Spirit in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death. With the stripes that wounded Jesus you have been healed and made whole. The love of Christ constrains you. You love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength and your neighbor as yourself. You are God’s own workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works. You are strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. You are filled with the knowledge of His will in all wisdom and understanding. You are complete in Him. He Who has begun a good work in you will finish it.
Call it. Take the Word of God and build that image in you until it becomes reality in your life.
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