Overcomers In This World - Part 2
Today, let’s talk about the Word. As you all know by now who have been reading the Pearls of Wisdom, I teach much about the Word of God and what it does in our lives. We plead the blood and we testify to, give witness to the Word of God in our lives and its sustaining power.
The most valuable thing you have in your possession is your Bible. In the case of disaster, grab your Bible first. It is the very thing that will give you back all that is stolen from you as you learn about the reality of God your Father from that Word. It is your handbook of life. It is your manual to successful living in the Kingdom of God, where you reside. It is your instruction book on how to live while you are here on this earth. Everything you will ever need is contained in this book we call the Bible.
In Revelation 19:13 we read that Jesus’ name in Heaven is The Word of God. In John 1:1-4,14 we read that In the beginning, which was before the earth was created or time was formed, in the beginning was the Word of God and the Word was God Himself. The Word was with God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by Him and without Him was not anything made that was made. In Him was Life and the Life was the Light of men. And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
Every time you speak God’s Word from this book we call the Bible, you are speaking out God Himself into your situation. Oh, we must grasp this and understand it. I don’t care what you feel like or what it looks like. Every time, I mean every time you speak God’s Word, you are giving God the right to come on the scene and place Himself in your situation to help you through, cause you to be victorious and overcome whatever the enemy has sent your way.
Speak the Word, agree with God, and He will perform His Word. That is His Promise. Jeremiah 1:12 Then said the Lord unto me, Thou hast well seen; for I will hasten my word to perform it. The reason it seems like it takes so long sometimes for that word to work is that our minds have been so indoctrinated with the world’s way of doing things that it takes a while for us to become conformed to God’s way of doing things, His Kingdom reality.
Even our church system has its own set of ideas regarding God’s Word, which is a mixture of man’s opinion and the world’s system and God. Faith won’t work with mixed seed. Faith cannot be contaminated by man’s own ideas and thinking. Faith operates purely the way the Word tells you and me. There is no other way. There is no alternative method. As a friend of mine says: There is no disclaimer on God’s Word. We either do it God’s way or it doesn’t work.
With that in mind, let’s address a very sensitive issue where we Christians are concerned. I hear so many explanations for defeat in our lives. There is only one explanation, whether it is me or you or your friend. If we don’t have results, it is not God’s fault and it is not because God is sovereign. It is because we either didn’t know enough or we are still dealing with doubt and unbelief. And there is only one cure for doubt and unbelief----saturation of the Word of God day and night. Didn’t God tell Joshua in Joshua 1:8 that he was to meditate the Word day and night and then he would make his way successful and deal wisely in the affairs of life.
While we are on this issue of doubt and unbelief, the Bible sees unbelief in a different way than we do. We say, Well, you know, it is so hard to believe; it is not my fault; I am working my way through it. The Bible says that unbelief in our heart is evil (Heb. 3:12) and is indicative of a hardened heart. Don’t fuss at me. That is what the Word says. So, let’s hit unbelief head-on in our lives and deal with it by the washing of the water of the Word until it is flushed out of us. There is no other way to be victorious. We must be those who confess God’s Word and thus come into agreement with Him. Then we must do what the Word says. We also must be doers of the Word of God.
We OVERCOME by the BLOOD OF THE LAMB and the WORD of our testimony. Testify to the goodness of God; testify to the Truth of His Word; testify, proclaim, declare and decree the Word of God and the blood of Jesus until it becomes reality in your life. The Word does work for you. Stick with it until you see the results in your life.
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