God's Word And Divine Health
You have heard me talk much about confessing the Word, meditating the Word, getting the Word of God into our being. The purpose of confessing the Word and meditating God’s Word is to get our soul into agreement with our spirit where the Spirit of God dwells. It is one thing to have the Holy Spirit dwelling in us as born again children of God. It is another thing to allow Him to do what He loves to do, perform His Word and keep us in that place of prosperity in all areas of our lives. Once again, I must remind you that prosperity involves so much more than money. It involves being successful in every area of our lives----finances, health, relationships, God’s plan for our lives.
As we take the Word of God and allow His Word to become a part of us, then God has the opportunity to do what the Word says. We must release Him to perform His Word. He says that He is ready and hastens to perform His Word on our behalf. We release Him to do His Word as we believe Him. And believing comes from what we spend most of our time thinking on.
Have you noticed that your mind will wander aimlessly if you let it? It will think for possibly an hour on things that are inconsequential, insignificant things. What we all must do is train our minds to think on God’s Word, ponder His Word. It does take training.
The Bible tells us that we must renew our minds with the Word of God. That is a daily renewal. Why do we have to do it daily? There are so many other opinions and words spoken out in the world that are contrary to God’s way of doing things. We hear them all the time. We hear them in grocery stores; we hear them by the music piped in at work; we hear them on TV commercials, even when a person just watches an athletic event on TV.
We are surrounded by the world’s thoughts and words every day. That is why we must surround ourselves with the Word of God every day. Satan has a system of operation set up on this earth and he knows that words are the key to his success or God’s success. He has been around a long time and does know about the operations of the spirit realm, even though he is no longer given that privilege to operate in God’s realm.
The Promiser is in us with His promises, but He is not the one Who gives the go-ahead for His promises to operate in our lives. You and I are the ones who give the Lord the green light to do His Word. And the way we do that is to believe His Word will work for us individually, not for the other person, but for ourselves. It seems that this is the hardest part of our lives. Why is it that we have such a tough time believing for ourselves? It is because we are afraid of failure, afraid of what people will think if we go too far out on this believing stuff. Satan whispers: What if it doesn’t work? And perhaps we fail a few times and he says: See, I told you so. And my answer to him is this: Sooooooooooooo. Failure doesn’t indicate defeat. Keep playing until you win.
The secret to our success is in ALLOWING the Spirit of God to do His Word on our behalf, to work for us with His Kingdom principles. We must confess the Word. We must meditate on the Word of God. This is our answer to our life’s problems. God’s Word is His promise. When we finally believe that promise to the point we put it above every other word, we will see results in our lives of health and prosperity.
In the beginning, as we are learners, we will make mistakes, and possibly have failures. But we must be determined not to quit. We are not quitters. We are not losers. We are winners. And the winners are those who believe God and take Him at His Word. His Word is true for you always, all the time. It will work for you all the time.
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