Our Place of Divine Health
Yes, He paid the price for our sins to be forgiven. Yes, He paid the price for our redemption, to be delivered from satan’s domain. Yes, He paid the price for us to be made the righteousness of God in Himself, Christ Jesus. He became sin that we may become righteous, right with God, with a nature free from sin. And the good news is that He not only paid the price for our sins to be washed away. He also paid the price for our bodies to be whole, healthy, well, free from sickness and disease. Sickness and disease were washed away in His blood just as surely as sin was washed away in His blood. He didn’t go through what He did in the Garden of Gethsemane and at the whipping post and on the cross for just part of you to be taken care of. He did it all. It is a total package. He took care of sin and all of its consequences, which includes sickness and disease.
Christians are not supposed to die the way non-Christians do. Christians are to do their work here on this earth, complete their assignment, sit down in their chair and say goodbye to the family and leave their body. They and God work out the schedule. Sickness and disease should never be the dictator of when you and I go home to heaven. That is not right. Why should satan be allowed to cut short our work here on this earth? He is not the dictator of the church. He should have nothing to do with when we go home.
Why is it that sickness and disease is so rampant in the Body of Christ, just like it is in the world? The reason is that we have not been taught that it is a total package. When we go to the altar, when we get born again, we are not told that sickness and disease has been taken care of, as well as our sins forgiven. If people were told at the altar that they could leave their sickness behind just like they were leaving their sins behind, they would do it. And they would walk away from that altar sin free and sickness free.
Oh, do you see it. We have a healer. We have One Who purchased our healing for us. He didn’t do it so that we could have an occasional victory over sickness and disease and the rest of the time have to put up with it and get by the best that we could get by. No, no, my brother and sister in Christ. Jesus bore our sicknesses and diseases so that we don’t have to bear them.
Satan has done such a number on all of us with pain and the pressure of telling us that we are going to die. Since when is He the one who is the head of the church, telling us what to do. Did he pay a price for you to be sick? No, a thousand times no. You may be saying that is ridiculous. Is it? When we accept sickness and disease, we are saying that satan is the one we are listening to. What about Jesus and what He did for us? Where does that fit into our lives? I know I am asking some hard questions and going deeper than we want to go, but it is time we stood up and fought his attempts to destroy us in mass. Christians are dying all over the world before their work is finished, before they have completed their task and it must stop. Satan is not the one in charge of the church. He is a defeated foe, defeated by our beloved Savior, Who paid a horrible price for our sins to be forgiven and for our sicknesses to be removed. Jesus is our healer. He is the Lord that heals us. We have to fight for that right and win that position individually. Jesus has already fought the battle and won it for us corporately as the Body of Christ. What we must do is stand our ground and not let satan steal our place of victory. Because of what Jesus did for us, we are the victors and not the victims. We are the healed and not the sick. We are the ones who have been given the victory over every sickness and disease that would ever come on this earth. Jesus’ blood was shed on the cross and at the whipping post to wash away our sicknesses and pain. He bore it all for you and me. Let’s press in to our place of divine health.
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