By Grace Through Faith
What a wealth of information is found in this one little verse in Ephesians 2:8.
God has given us the gift of Himself to deliver us from evil, from satan and all of the consequences of sin. We are saved. What does saved mean in the original Greek language? Let’s look in the Strong’s Concordance to see. Here in this passage the word saved is the Greek word sozo which means to save, deliver, protect, heal, preserve, do well, be whole, make whole.
We are delivered; we are protected; we are healed, we are preserved, we are made whole by God’s grace and through our faith in Him and His grace. He even gives us His faith so that we can believe Him and receive from Him. And to think that this whole package is a gift of God to us as His mankind. All we have to do is believe and receive.
Is it healing you need? It is a gift of God. Receive it by faith in God’s provision of healing. His grace has provided it for you. Is it protection you need? It is a gift of God. Receive it by grace through faith. Is it deliverance you need? Receive God’s gift of deliverance through faith in His grace of providing for you. Is it wholeness you need in your life? Do you need things to be put back together again in your life from brokenness? God has provided it for you. He wants you to be whole and healthy in every area of your life. Brokenness is not what He wants you to be. Whatever it is that you need, God has provided it for you. All you have to do is believe you receive what He has for you. His grace has made provision for all that you need.
It is God’s grace that provides all that we need to live a healthy, successful, fulfilling life while we are here on this earth. We access what He has for us through faith in His ability to provide for us. Faith is simply trusting God to provide abundantly all that you need to have a wonderful life here.
What is grace? It is God extending Himself and His ability to you and me, even though we may not deserve it at all. He still extends Himself to us in order that we may have a better life with Him in charge. His abilities and His provision are so much better for us to walk in than our own strength, our own abilities. What a God we serve. He has extended to us all that we need to live victoriously on this earth.
And think about the fact that He not only gives us His grace, but He also give us His faith to believe and receive what He has provided for us. I don’t know about you, but I think this is a pretty good arrangement. And all we have to do is believe we receive it and we shall have it. That is what Mark 11:22-24 says. When you pray, believe that you receive and you shall have it. Ah, but here is where people have all kinds of challenges. They may believe they receive for about a day or less and then when satan puts the pressure on to convince them they didn’t get anything, they cave in and quit and say that faith doesn’t work. After you pray and believe you receive, you must stand, regardless of the adversity that comes against your believing. Having done all to stand, stand therefore.
God has made provision for us. He has given us His ability to receive and He has extended His grace to us so that we may receive His gift of salvation, which is all inclusive. Salvation doesn’t just mean your sins forgiven. It means your diseases are healed. Your soul Is set free. Your life is successful and prosperous. You are no longer a captive to satan and his demonic forces. You are a free person today, not because of anything you have done, not of your own good works. It is a gift of God, lest you should boast about working hard to get it.
Rejoice in what God has done for you. He has certainly made provision for all your life and abundantly supplied your needs. Thank Him and walk in His fullness today. That’s what grace and faith are all about. It is God’s gift of the good life. Receive it and walk in it. It’s wonderful.
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