Jehovah Jireh, My Provider
God was Jehovah Jireh for Abraham when he was offering his only son Isaac in obedience to the Lord. Jehovah provided a ram in the thicket. Abraham was in a situation where he needed provision and he received it because he trusted God completely.
Jehovah, Almighty God, our Heavenly Father Himself has the provision for us before we ever have a need. But the one thing you and I must be aware of is this. God never responds to neediness. He responds to faith. If He responded to needs, satan could control God and His Kingdom by producing needs all over the place. Yes, there are needs, but we access the provision God has already provided for our need by our faith in His supply. Faith in God releases the provision He has for us.
I know most people do not want to hear this because all of us want it to come automatically. But we as God’s children are instructed to live by faith. Four times in the Bible we read that the just shall live by faith (Habakkuk 2:4; Romans 1:17; Galatians 3:11; Hebrews 10:38). The just are those who have been born again and become righteous or just in the Kingdom of God.
Since we live by faith, then we must learn how to do that. And the instructions are really quite simple. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17)and faith works by love (Galatians 5:6). That is it. So what is our part---hearing the Word of God. And how do we hear? We listen to those who preach and teach the Word in faith and we read the word for ourselves and we speak the Word so that we can hear it. And we practice agape love, God’s love. That is the way faith works in our lives.
In the 10th chapter of Hebrews that we noted in the paragraph above, we see this in verse 23: Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised;). In the Amplified Bible we read that He Who promised is reliable (sure) and faithful to His Word.
When I looked up the word profession in the Strong’s Concordance, the Greek word for profession here is homologia, which means acknowledgement, confession. So we see here that we are to hold fast to the confession of our faith, to the acknowledgement of God’s Word. Why? God is faithful to His Word. He is faithful and trustworthy to perform His Word (Jeremiah 1:12). We can depend on Him and His Word. He is true to what He has said.
Unlike man, once God speaks, it is forever established. What He has spoken, which we speak, establishes forever in our lives His good Word. That is why we must speak His Word. We are coming into agreement with Him. There is no greater power than the power of agreement. And if our agreement is with the One Who spoke the original Word, His power is released on our behalf, to make provision for us. My, my what a wonderful system He has established for us as His children to walk in a place of sweet satisfaction. My Heavenly Father provides for me. That is a statement you can make and know that it is true.
As we speak God’s Word, faith arises; confidence in God and His Word comes to us. Then in verse 35 of Hebrews 10 we read: Cast not away therefore your confidence, which has great recompence of reward. In the Amplified Bible we read: Do not, therefore, fling away your fearless confidence, for it carries a great and glorious compensation of reward. In verse 36 we read that we have need of patience, that after we have done the will of God (His Word), we may receive the promise, enjoy to the full what He has promised in His Word. And remember that the word patience is not hanging on by your toenails, hoping you will make it. No, Bible patience is that quality that does not surrender to circumstances or succumb under trial. It is the fruit of the spirit, which is a spiritual force, not a weak personality trait.
Verse 39 of Hebrews 10 says that we are not of those who draw back and shrink in fear, but we are those who believe, have faith, trust God, rely on Him through our relationship with Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit will help us to be people of faith, leaning on the Lord, confidently knowing that we are His children and He provides for His own. We are members of His household, which is called the household of faith. We are His children and He does provide for us abundantly. Believe it and receive it. Continually say: I believe I receive and then fill in the blank. Remember that it must be in line with the Word of God. For example, I believe I receive healing in my body. I believe I receive a prosperous life.
You are mighty men and women of God. Rise up, people of faith, and take your place as God’s children. You have a rich heritage and an abundant supply from Father’s provision.
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