What Is Your Answer?
I have learned something over the years as I have talked with people who are of a different belief than I am. They are just as adamant and just as convinced as I am that their way is the right way. It makes no difference how many scriptures I quote to them or how convincing I am, they are just as convinced of their way. So, what is the way that I can show them that Jesus Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life?
There are several things I have observed. The first one is this: Prayer is the only thing that will open the door for these people to see that they need a Savior. Without the way being paved with prayer, there is not much that we can do. Our words are not going to convince anyone that we are right. And even reading the scriptures to them will not convince them unless the Holy Spirit, as a result of prayer, is paving the way for our words to fall on fertile soil instead of dead ground.
And one of the greatest tools I have observed as being effective in my witnessing for Jesus is my life that I live every day for others to read me like a book. The greatest Bible that people will read is my life. The love of Jesus that I display all the time toward others, even when they are not nice to me, is a winning tool. The Love of God Himself working through me is a powerful tool to use. There is nothing that can stand in the way of God’s love. He is the drawing card for others.
I once heard someone say that we are to do random acts of kindness. In other words, do kind things for others, even when it is not expected or needed. Open a door for an older person; pick up something someone has dropped; smile at the clerk at the cash register; reach up on a high shelf for something a short person cannot reach; pay for a stranger’s meal in a restaurant; leave a tip for the maid in motels every day you are there.
What is it that sets you apart from other religions, other beliefs? What is it that people observe about your life that makes you different? Can they see a difference between you and them?
Jesus is the Prince of Peace. People will notice that you are peaceful and calm when all around you is chaos. Peace is observable. People will notice that you are even-tempered, instead of a person who “flies off the handle” at the slightest provocation. People will notice that you don’t “fall apart” when tragedy comes. People will notice that you are healthy when others all around you are sick and getting the flu and catching colds and going to the hospital for various medical needs. People will notice that you are not in debt and have an abundance of money not only to pay your bills but also to help others. These types of things catch people’s attention. And then they begin to ask you questions: How are you able to do this? What makes you different than the rest of us? Why are you healthy? Why aren’t your kids on drugs and rebellious? Why are you debt free? What is it that keeps you calm and peaceful in the midst of a very stressful situation?
Then you have an opportunity to share with others the reasons that belief in Jesus Christ works. You never berate them for their beliefs or come at them from a negative standpoint. Of course, it is a different scenario if the Holy Spirit tells you to point out things that are in error in their belief system. But people will react much better to someone who is showing them a better way of life than someone who is always badgering them about their nasty belief system and telling them that they are wrong.
Our Father loves every person who is on this earth and wants them to come to know Him and be a part of the household of faith. It is our responsibility to represent our Father well and cause people to desire Him and come to Him because they see how much He loves them. Far too many people accept Jesus as their Savior because they fear they will be left behind or they won’t make it to Heaven. That is not the way the Father wants people to accept Him. He wants them to accept what His Son Jesus has done because of His great love for everyone.
Let’s purpose to walk the real walk of the God-kind of love and let His Love draw others to His household. We want them to enjoy what we have. What a life He has laid out for each of us! That is what we must show others. It is the greatest life to live on this earth. What a Life
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