Your Focus Determines Your Destiny
If we focus on what we have happening in our lives that is wrong, that appears to be robbing us, we are not focusing on Jesus, the Word of God. He is the way, the truth and the life. Everyone who comes to Him will not be denied. I see so much more in that scripture today than I have before. We not only come to Him to become born again, but we come to Him again and again as the way to rise above all our negative situations and circumstances, as the truth to offset the lies the enemy throws our way and to bring us out of that which would speak death into lives into Life Himself, Love Himself Who is the Light that shines on our pathway to lead us out of every dark situation that would try to envelope us. Whew! That was a long sentence. Bear with me on that one. I tried to shorten it but would lose the meaning if I did.
Even when it appears that things are not lining up the way the Word says they are supposed to be in our lives, we still agree with the Word. There will always be negative things that come our way to attempt to get us off the path that God has chosen for us. That path is a path of peace and tranquility, not stress and fear and anxiety. The place that our Lord wants us to dwell is in His assurance that ALL IS WELL! What happens around us, what we see, does not determine whether God is true and His Word is true. And another thing. Neither does it determine whether we are people of faith or not. We are people of faith if we believe God’s Word, regardless of what happens to confirm or deny our faith. God’s Word does not have to have circumstances to line up to confirm it as truth. God’s Word is truth regardless of what happens.
What do you see today? Do you see God and His Word or do you see the opposite? What eyes are you using today? Are you using your physical eyes or are you using your spiritual eyes? Are you reacting with your feelings and emotions or are you reacting with God’s Word? The answers to these questions will determine your day and ultimately your destiny.
The devil is the one who gets the attention when we allow our emotions and our feelings to rule us. He then can move in and start working on us regarding our relationship with the Lord. He is very subtle. He knows that if he can get us thinking about ourselves and how we feel and how the situation looks, he has gotten some authority in our lives. What we as individuals have to do is stop and deliberately tell ourselves that we are looking to the Word and not to our souls. It is a matter of choice. Here we go with choice again. We can’t get away from it can we? Choice is what it is all about. We can choose to wallow in our misery or deliberately turn away from what is hurting us and walk into the Word of God, Jesus Himself, Love Himself. There is such peace and comfort in His Presence. He desires above all else to comfort us and to direct us. He wants us to rise to the fullness of life in Him. We get there one victory at a time. Step by step by step by step, we win the victory.
Jesus told us what we have to do in Matthew 7:24-27. When the storms of life and the winds of adversity blow on the house of our life, we will still be standing if we have based our lives on being hearers and doers of His Word. We will be solidly planted on a good foundation. When all else is gone, the Word will still remain. He told us that heaven and earth will pass away, but His Word remains forever.
And we must remind ourselves again of the parable of the sower in Mark 4. What is it that is used to steal the assurance of the word working in our lives? It is persecution, cares and anxieties of this world, distractions and busyness, seeking other things first, offense, resentment, delighting in things other than the Lord, getting caught up with the riches of this world. We are not immune to any of these attacks. What we do with them determines our destiny.
God has a beautiful life planned for each one of us. Satan is determined to interfere. We are the deciding factor. We either decide to let things “get the best of us” or we set our face like flint and press ever closer to our Lord and His Word.
I leave you with this promise from the Word of God today.
2 Peter 1:3,4 According as his divine power has given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness through the knowledge of him that has called us to glory and virtue; whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these we might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
God has given us ALL THINGS that pertain to life and godliness. He has given us exceeding great and precious promises so that we may partake of His divine nature, which is Love, Life and Light in the Holy Spirit.
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