Abraham Believed God, Part 3
On Friday, we said that the promise of inheriting the world is to us through the righteousness of faith. Inheriting the promise is the outcome of faith and depends entirely on faith. We exercise faith to receive what God has provided for us by grace, His love and ability extended to us whether we deserve it or not.
The promise is sure not only to Abraham, but also to his seed. Galatians 3:29 tells us that if we are Christ’s, then we are Abraham’s seed and heirs according to the promise. Once again, we ask: What is that promise? That we should be heirs of the world. An heir of the world is one who has dominion over the world, which is what God spoke into Adam when he created Him. It is The Blessing. We have that Blessing, that promise back because of Jesus Christ. He got it back for us.
Now let’s look at verse 17 of Romans 4. We are to be like our Father God and call those things which be not as though they were and they become.
Our speaking and calling gives the life of God to those things which appear to be dead or impossible and brings life, results into our lives. We have the end result of our speaking. As we call those things which be not, we must look only at the Word of God which brings us Bible hope (white-hot, outstretched neck expectancy) and strengthens our Bible faith, causing us to be stable, not staggering all over the place and wavering. We continue to look at God’s Word and nothing else, giving praise and glory to God for His Word working in our lives, until we become FULLY PERSUADED, FULLY ASSURED, FULLY CONFIDENT, FULLY SATISFIED that what God has promised, He will do in our lives. He not only is able, but He will do it for us.
An interesting side note here. In Hebrews 11:6 we read that without faith it is impossible to please God. The word “please” there means to gratify entirely, please (well) and comes from the word that means FULLY AGREEABLE.
I find it remarkable that without faith it is impossible to be FULLY AGREEABLE with God and that causes us to be FULLY PERSUADED that what God has promised, He will do.
In Romans 10:6-10 we read that righteousness which is of faith says: The Word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that is, the word of faith. It’s the word impregnated with God’s divine energy, divine life, zoe. The Word is the seed. The Holy Spirit activates the Word, germinates, causes it to grow in your heart.
If you confess with your mouth, Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead, you will be saved (sozo: to make or keep sound, safe, to save, deliver, protect (lit. or fig.) to heal, preserve, save (self), do well).
With your heart you believe unto righteousness; with your mouth confession is made unto salvation (soteria: be or make whole, rescue or safety (phys. Or mor.), saving, salvation, save, deliver, health, SOUNDNESS, safety. 1828 Webster’s Dictionary: SOUNDNESS: entire, unbroken, not defective; whole, perfect, undecayed, not defective; healthy, not diseased, having all organs complete and in perfect action as sound body, sound health; founded in truth, firm, strong, valid, solid, that cannot be overthrown or refuted; right, correct, well-founded, free from error).
My heart is the believing organ. My mouth is the confessing organ. I need both my mouth and my heart. I must believe and confess. They go together.
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