Strengthen Your Faith
Well, I have the scripture for you. It is in the Amplified Bible in verse 25 of Romans 16. NOW TO HIM WHO IS ABLE TO STRENGHTEN YOU IN THE FAITH…. This is a simple beginning to a scripture, but it holds the key to our victories when we are running out of steam in a situation.
God Almighty, the great Creator of the universe and of you, Jesus Christ the Son of God, your Conqueror, The Holy Spirit---they are able to strengthen you in the faith. It is the God-kind of faith that we have been given. It is His power that strengthens that faith in you and me. Without Him we have no faith. And without Him we are not strengthened in our faith.
And if we go back a few chapters here in Romans we see several other truths that will put the power punch in our victory. In chapter 13, verses 12 and 14.
Repeat this after me.
I cast off the works of darkness from my life, whether it is sickness and disease, lack, defeat, depression, poverty, want, unbelief and doubt, fear. And I put on the armor of light. That means I put on health and healing. I put on victory and success. I put on abundance. I put on joy. I put on faith. I put on the armor of light, which is the armor of love which is the armor of life which is the armor of God Himself. I put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and I make no provision for the flesh.
I clothe myself with the Lord Jesus Christ. I make no more provision for indulging my flesh. I put a stop to thoughts contrary to the Word of God in my life. I refuse to think any longer on contrary thoughts. I bring every thought into captivity to the Lord Jesus Christ. All my thoughts are pure and lovely and true and honest and just and of a good report and full of life.
God has given us His ability to move on through to the other side of that which is pressing in on us. We have His life operating in us to take us over to the other side of the things of this world. We are not of this world. We may be in this world, but we are not of it. We are in the Word, not the world. We are of the Kingdom of God and not of the kingdom of darkness. Our Master is King Jesus and not any other. We are rulers with authority under Him.
Let’s take the whip of our authority and chase all that is not of God out of our lives. That authority starts with our thoughts. Deliberately, on purpose, we must take authority over all that is contrary to the Word of God and Kingdom living. We are to reign in this life as kings and priests. Let’s do so, regardless of how high the prices go or how much the world says is going wrong. That is not our thought. Our thought is this: I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus Who loves me. I am an overcomer in this world. And this is the victory that overcomes the world, even my faith. And my faith is strengthened by God Almighty.
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