The Life Of God
When Jesus ascended into Heaven and left this earth realm, He left us a legacy of a life worth living. He said in John 10:10 that He had come that we might have and enjoy life, have it in the full until it overflows. I don’t know about you, but I don’t know too many Christians who are living like that. What is our problem? I believe it is that we have majored on the challenges that are presented to us here on this earth more than the victory that Christ has purchased for us. We have majored more on fixing things ourselves, in our own self-sufficiencies or depended on the sufficiencies of other people around us. It is the The Holy Spirit on Whom we should depend. He is here to give us direction and to help us in our everyday living. He is here to bring into reality for us the life Jesus Christ has made available to us right now.
Just recently I have come to truly understand just how honored and privileged I am to know the Holy Spirit and to have Him as my friend and God. He delights in giving me all that pertains to live and godliness. It is His pleasure to give us the Kingdom of God. He is so excited about our happiness and well-being and loves to see us partake of all that God has made available to us.
Life----what a wonderful gift of God. I am not just talking about physical life in our physical body. I am talking about the life of God, zoe, that makes us new creations, that opens up all of Heaven’s realm to us. I am talking about the life eternal which brings a rejoicing to our souls, gives us hope for the future and faith for our tomorrows. I am talking about God’s life which brings salvation, freedom, deliverance to us and sets us free to worship Him and truly enjoy our lives here on this earth.
God is a good God. He has provided us with everything that we need to have a fully abundant life while we live here on this earth and fulfill our Godly assignment. We are temporary residents here and must see that for what it is. This is simply a temporary abode. Our permanent dwelling place is in the Lord Jesus Christ and His Presence, our Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. God is our abiding place.
Jesus said that He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. And we are told in the scriptures that in Him we live and move and have our being. In Him we have life. The life of God was breathed into Adam when God created Him. The life of God was breathed into you the day you accepted what Jesus had done for you. Take time today and every day to meditate on that one fact alone and your life will take on a whole new picture. The life of God is dwelling in you right now, quickening your mortal body, rejuvenating your soul, and taking your spirit into realms of His glory. We need nothing else but Him. He is all we need. God has gladly and joyfully given us the free gift of Himself.
Ephesians 2:10 Amplified Bible
For I am God’s own handiwork, His workmanship, recreated in Christ Jesus, born anew, that I may do those good works which God predestined and planned beforehand for me, taking the path which He prepared ahead of time for me, that I should walk in that path, LIVING THE GOOD LIFE which He prearranged and made ready for me to live.
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