What's The Big Deal About Being Faithful?
Faithfulness---who can find a faithful man or woman? Let’s look at a faithful person. A faithful person is someone who is consistently doing what God has asked them to do. They see value in their endeavors, regardless of how trivial they may seem. They complete the task. They do what they are supposed to do, day after day after day. They can be depended upon. You know they will always be at their post, doing their duty, day in and day out. Who can find a faithful man or woman?
Faithfulness is a big deal to God. Many times our greatest tests are those in faithfulness. A faithful person is one who doesn’t grumble when it doesn’t “appear” they are going where they think they should be going. They are serving someone else and don’t “seem” to be fulfilling their dream, their destiny, their vision. I just recently heard someone say that the greatest satisfaction is submerging your dream into someone else’s dream and serving them. That takes a great person----one who is full of humility----to assume that role. Yet I have seen those who do that. Right now I am thinking about a particular minister who served someone faithfully for years, even right up until that minister died. Now this particular minister’s ministry seems like it exploded overnight. Everyone moves into realms of faith as they hear his teaching. People are coming to his church and serving him now. He served and sowed great seed. Now he is reaping a bountiful harvest. The church is growing tremendously. They have a great worldwide ministry. It appears to be an effortless thing. They are recognized worldwide. It is effortless, because God is doing it. He is seeing the fruit of his commitment and faithfulness mature right before his eyes. It was not overnight. It was years and years of preparation and serving.
Faithfulness is exciting because it is preparation for greatness in the Kingdom of God. This is greatness in a different manner than man describes greatness. The ultimate greatness is the man or woman who is described as having a servant’s heart. This is the place where God is endeavoring to lead all of us. Jesus said that he who would be greatest among you is the one who serves, who has a servant’s heart. A servant is one who does things out of love, with no desire for recognition. It is one who enjoys seeing others become who they were destined to be. When is the last time you have rejoiced when someone received what you had been praying and moving toward? Or better yet, when is the last time you helped that person to receive what you knew God wanted to give them, even though that was exactly what you knew you were to have and achieve. Oh, let me tell you, GOD WILL REWARD YOU, yes even while you are still on this earth.
You see, if you and I will faithfully serve others and tap into their dream, do everything we can to help them fulfill their dream, there will come a day when God says: You have passed the test. Now move into the fullness of your dream, of your destiny. Oh, we all talk about our own dreams and desires, but how many people have you heard talking about helping to fulfill someone else’s dream by sowing finances and time and work into that person’s dream on a consistent basis. I am not talking about a “flash in the pan” person who blows in like a tornado and tells you what they are going to do for you, how much they are going to contribute to your ministry and are gone in a few weeks. We are talking about the person who quietly and methodically, month after month and perhaps year after year never leaves you nor forsakes you. We are talking about the person whose check is always in the mail every month, all the time. We are talking about the person who is always there at the meeting, most of the time early, to help you do whatever is needed. We are talking about the person or people that no one notices, but a true minister of the gospel will notice them, will see their faithfulness. And I can tell you that God takes notice of them.
Lately, I have asked the Holy Spirit to evaluate my life where faithfulness is concerned. He has shown me some areas where I wasn’t so faithful and I have repented. Thank God for His forgiveness, because of the blood of Jesus. Thank God that He is always faithful to me.
That should be the cry of each of our hearts. Lord, help me to be faithful to you and to others all my life.
Yes, faithfulness is exciting. It will especially be exciting on the day the rewards are passed out. It is exciting to see someone else’s dreams being fulfilled. It is exciting to see people brought into the Kingdom of God because a minister has faithful workers behind the scene while he or she is out there preaching. Yes, it is exciting because you and I will receive the same reward he/she does. In serving others, we are serving Jesus. We are waiting on the Master as a waiter would wait on tables.
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