An Unending Supply Line
In an army, particularly when there is a battle engagement, there are supply lines to the troops. The general of that army is the one who stays in communication with those of the supply lines. He is the overall commander and gives the orders, based on where his supply lines are and what they have. At all times, he is being given information so that he can accurately direct the operations of the battle.
Likewise, our general and commander-in-chief, the Lord Jesus Christ, is in charge of our spiritual operations in the battles that are waged against us. The difference between the natural realm and Jesus is that His supply is everlasting, unending, without limits. By the power of the Holy Spirit, we can partake of a vast, abundant supply, without limit, for all of our needs, whether in battle or in peace.
Remember what Philippians 4:19 says and I quote it from the Amplified Bible:
And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
Our supply line is never cut off by the Spirit of God. It is ever flowing, always supplying health, prosperity, wealth, victory, success, love, joy, peace, life. This supply line is made available through the blood of Jesus. His blood flows to us, and it is full of the life of God forever. Doesn’t it excite you when you think about that? Regardless of the situation, you have a supply from God on which you can depend. He will keep it coming.
So what happens when that supply appears like it is cut off or doesn’t seem to be flowing in anything but a trickle, if that? It is on our receiving end. Sometimes we let the connection get clogged up with the sin of doubt and unbelief or fear or just plain busyness. I hold up my hand with the rest of you and say: Guilty. But the great thing is that God is ever on duty, reminding us through the Holy Spirit to keep ourselves in a clear line with Him by the daily fellowship of intimacy with Him and with His Word. It is called the word supply. It is there for us 24-7. What a plan! What a God!
There is one other subject we need to address in regards to our supply line from God. If you are like me, sometimes you believe that you can supply your own answer, your own way of fixing the situation. We don’t do it intentionally. We may get anxious. We may get annoyed with others. We may walk out of love. We may just get tired of waiting and attempt to get the job done pronto. What is interesting to me is that God has the answer there pronto, but we are not always ready to receive it because we are too busy establishing an alternative supply line. And do you know that supply line will be ungodly and unprofitable.
To stay connected with the main supply line, it’s all about communication. We are to stay in close communion with God by the Holy Spirit being our Guide into all truth. He is the Spirit of Truth. He will give the right information to get the job done, to get the results we need, to walk in the victory we must have.
God is a liberal God, a more-than enough God. He only knows overflow and multiplication and abundance. Think of this: He supplies your every need ACCORDING TO HIS RICHES IN GLORY. Yes, they are His riches. And they are in His glory, His Presence. They are there for us, all around us. All we have to do is recognize His riches and reach out with our mouths and receive into our hearts. The supply is boundless. Reach out and get a big chunk for yourselves today. He loves to give to you. You are His favorite child-----you and you and you and you.
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