Jesus’ appearing is upon us. His return is nearer than we think or believe or perceive. I believe we must lay hold of His Word as we never have before this time. We must be ones who are to be established in the Word, established in His Truth forever, with our hearts established in Christ, the Anointed One and His anointing. He in turn establishes us in righteousness. We must be so established that nothing phases us, regardless of what we see or experience in this present earthly existence.
The word “establish” means:
To set or fix firmly or unalterably
To settle permanently
To enact or decree by authority and for permanence
To settle or fix what is wavering, doubtful or weak; to confirm
With that definition in mind, over the next several days we are going to look at the Word of God concerning being established.
Today let’s look at scriptures talking about being established in faith.
Colossians 2:6,7
As I have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so I walk in Him, regulating my life and conducting myself in union with and conformity to Him
Rooted and built up in Him, having the roots of my being firmly and deeply planted in Christ Jesus my Lord, fixed and founded in Him, being continually built up in Him
Becoming increasingly more confirmed and ESTABLISHED in the faith as I have been taught
Abounding and overflowing therein in thanksgiving.
Take this scripture as reality in your life. That is you if you are a child of God, if you are born again. If you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, this is what you do:
You regulate your life in Him. You conduct yourself in union with Him. You conduct yourself in conformity to what He is.
You are rooted in Him. You are built up in Him. You have the roots of your being firmly and deeply planted in Him. You are fixed and founded in Him. You are being continually built up in Him.
You are becoming increasingly more confirmed and ESTABLISHED IN THE FAITH as you have been taught.
You are abounding and overflowing in the faith in thanksgiving.
You say that you don’t feel like that is who you are. Believe me, there are days when I don’t feel like that is who I am. BUT, and there is the big word----if this word says that is who I am, then guess what? That is who I am! Faith is simply believing that is who I am. Circumstances and answered prayer or the lack thereof do not determine that is who I am. God’s Word of Truth is who I am.
Say it with me: I am a child of God. I am established in faith. I am rooted in Him. I am overflowing with faith in thanksgiving.
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