Pearls of Wisdom

God’s Word is full of Him, Who is Wisdom. Jesus is spoken of as the Wisdom of God. In the Bible the book of Proverbs is a definite book of wisdom, which is to be studied. This page is dedicated to bringing the wisdom of God’s Word to you so that you may find daily wisdom for your own life.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Decision of Being Thankful

When you got up this morning, what was the first thing on your mind?

Every morning of her life, when my grandmother got up, she always thanked God for another day to live her life. She was such an example to me. By the way, she lived to be in her 90’s, a long and strong life.

Thankfulness is an attitude of heart which is to be our way of life, our lifestyle. In the United States today, complaining has become common, something everybody does about everything. And if we are not careful, the Body of Christ will fall into the same trap. Complaining opens the door for the devil to be in charge of not only your day, but also your future. Thankfulness opens the door for the Lord Jesus Christ to be in charge of your life and your whole future.

The seed we sow today will produce tomorrow’s harvest. What do you want your future to look like, to be like? Then sow the right seed. The right seed is thankfulness. It will change your life for good and set you in the high places of God. It will bring you through to victory every time. 1 Corinthians 15:57 says: But thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.

The best time to be thankful, to give thanks, is when it looks like there is nothing for which to be thankful. That is a significant seed that you sow for better times in your life. We always call it and declare it before it happens. Nothing happens in our life just by chance or by accident. We are today what we have been speaking and thinking all our lives. If you have been speaking and thinking the wrong things, make today your turnaround day, the day that the future that God has planned for you begins to come to pass. He is waiting for the right words to trigger what He has planned.

We are always to give thanks before anything happens. Why is that? It works that way because that is what faith is all about. Faith believes it is already an accomplished fact in our lives personally before it ever happens. Being thankful is our way of telling the Father that we thank Him for the gift He has given us. You know, whatever it is—healing, financial well-being, marriage healed, children walking in the Lord, dreams fulfilled, the jobs we want—what we thank God for is what we will get. It has already been accomplished in God’s eyes, so thanksgiving should already be coming forth from us for the gift that has already been given.

From now on, every day, when we get up, let’s find things for which to be thankful. Have you ever noticed how good you feel when someone says to you, “Thank you.” Whether it is for a job well done or some gift you have given to a person, the words “thank you” make a closing statement of completion.

You say: What do I have to be thankful for? How about, for starters, you are alive! You are breathing on your own. You are free from pain. You are walking. You are hearing. You are seeing. You have good friends and family. You live in America. You are free to worship as you choose. You have a job. You have money coming in. You are paying your bills. You and your family are healthy. You have a good church. You have food on your table and clothes on your back. You have water to drink that is not contaminated. I am just giving examples here. Maybe you don’t have all of these things, but start being thankful for them now and plant seeds for your future, for the victory of the overcoming life.

Thank Jesus for His blood that was shed for you to be set free, to be delivered, to be healed, to be free from poverty. Thank God for sending His Son Jesus to take our place so that we didn’t have to suffer the consequences of sin in this earth. Thank the Holy Spirit for choosing to come and offer Himself to dwell in us as His temple. Thank God for His Word, which we in this country are free to study and to preach and teach. Thank God for freedom in the spirit to worship and praise Him. Thank Him for revelation of His Word. Thank Him that you are led by His Holy Spirit 24-7. Thank God that you are a living, breathing, walking tabernacle, temple of the Most High God, carrying The Blessing of God everywhere you go and making that place a Garden of Eden.

Is that enough to get you started? I am sure the Lord will add to that. Find scriptures that speak thanksgiving and speak them until they become reality for you in your heart. Then the reality in the earthly realm won’t be far behind.