God's Breath or Spirit
And then Acts 17: 25 tells us that it is God Himself Who gives life and breath to everything and satisfies our every need. He gives all things to all people. He gives us His very life and breath or spirit. We have the Spirit of God inside us. He freely has given Himself to us, in order that we may live in His lifestyle, His way of operating. Isn’t that wonderful! We can live as God lives because it is His Life that He has given us, zoe, to live the way He lives. And He has given His Spirit or His breath to us to live His abundant life right here, right now, right on this earth at this present time. We don’t have to wait until we get to heaven to live the way God lives. He has set it up so that we can start right here on this earth and live the way He designed us to live. It pleases Him to satisfy our every need and give to us all things that pertain to life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
Let’s look at some scriptures with that word breath in them. You will have your eyes opened to the truth of the Spirit of God as you read these scriptures.
Genesis 2:7----Then the Lord God formed man from the dust of the ground
and breathed into his nostrils the breath or spirit of life
and man became a living being. One translation says that man became a living, speaking spirit like God.
In the very beginning, when God created man, He spoke into Him His life, His Spirit, His life. So from the beginning, we have been given God’s breath of life. Even when Adam and Eve sinned and committed high treason, they had been given life to live physically on this earth by God. Their spirit life light was put out but they were still alive. And it took satan a long time to kill them physically. Today, after Jesus came and took man’s place on the cross and became sin for man and gave us back our life, we can walk just as Adam and Eve walked before the fall and even greater. We have the Spirit of God Himself dwelling in us, giving us His breath or Spirit of Life. We have been given the Life of God again, and it is our choice to receive His Life actively operating in us or not to receive it. It is our choice.
And look at what Job 33:4 states: It is the Spirit of God that has made me, which has stirred me up, and the breath of the Almighty has given me life, which inspires me. The Spirit of God has made you and me. He has stirred up within us His dreams and His passions and His desires. And He has given us life. The Almighty God, the great God Jehovah has given us His Life. This reality inspires us to become His vessels of honor, pleasing Him with our love for Him and our awe of His Presence. Isn’t this remarkable! Jehovah has given us life.
Isaiah 42:5 once again refers to the breath of life. God the Lord created the heavens and stretched them forth.
He spread abroad the earth and that which comes out of it.
He gives breath to the people on it and spirit to those who walk in it.
The Lord God gives breath to those of us on this earth and His Spirit to us.
And then Jesus spoke to His disciples in John 20:22,23: …He breathed on them and said to them: Receive the Holy Spirit.
If you forgive the sins of anyone, they are forgiven. If you refuse to forgive their sins, they are not forgiven.
What a powerful statement this is. Right after Jesus breathed on them and said receive the Holy Spirit, He talks to them about forgiveness. We are to forgive anyone who has hurt or offended us in any way. Peter asked Jesus how many times he had to forgive and Jesus said 70 times 7, which means that we forgive as many times as it takes to forgive someone. Forgiveness is open ended. It is something we must do all the time. And Jesus made another powerful statement in the gospels. He said that if we do not forgive, our Heavenly Father Who is in Heaven will not forgive us. That is heavy duty right there. So, I am practicing forgiveness now all the time. I forgive those who persecute me and say all manner of evil against me. We must pray for those who despitefully use us and say all manner of evil against us. Jesus left the example for us. We are to follow Him as dearly beloved children follow their Father. We are to imitate Him, to be like Him. On the cross, the greatest place of agony and pain for Jesus, He looked down at those who had crucified Him and said: Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do. People don’t really understand what they do when they persecute you and say all manner of evil against you. That is the way the world trains people and they don’t know any other way of living, but we as God’s children know better and are to follow Him in Love and forgiveness. Release God’s Love.
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