Word Seeds
You know what started this thought today. I was cleaning my family room last night and my husband listens to the news every day. It happened to be on while I was cleaning. And I heard the word “cancer” mentioned about 50 times in that brief period of time that the news was on. And I thought to myself. That means 50 little seeds have been released into people’s minds. And most people would not even think twice about offsetting that seed thought that has been planted into their minds by an outside source.
Words are important. Words either bring life or they bring death. They are the very tool that is used on this earth to produce what we have, whether personally or as a whole group of people. What leaders say to us produces action. What parents say to us plants seeds. What teachers speak to us plants seeds. What preachers and people in the pulpit tell us plants seeds. Every word is a seed that goes into our minds. If those words go into our minds long enough, they will produce thoughts. And if those thoughts are pondered, they produce words coming out of our mouths, which will produce in our lives. This is the process. What we say, what we ourselves speak, is a result of what we have been hearing and pondering and thinking on.
Words, words, words. What does the Lord have to say about words? In Matthew 12:36 and 37 Jesus said that on the day of judgment we shall give an account of every idle word that we have spoken. What does He mean here. An idle word is a word that produces results that are contrary to the Life of God. These words are the ones which produce negative things in our lives and the lives of others. He also said in this passage that we will be justified or we will be condemned by the words that we have spoken. We see from these two verses that words are so important to God that we will be judged on what we have spoken. If there are words that you and I have spoken that are not life-giving words, we need to speak crop failure to those words, ask God’s forgiveness for speaking contrary to His Word and repent, change our way of thinking and speaking.
In Proverbs 18:21 we read that death and life are in the power of the tongue and we eat the fruit of what we speak, whether it is for death or for life. Now exactly what does that mean? What we speak brings God and His life to a situation or it brings separation from God and His life (which is death) to a situation. God’s Word is His means of bringing His Life into our life and producing His Kingdom life in us. The words of man, without God, produce nothing but heartache and tragedy. We all must get to the point that we realize that we are nothing without Him. We can do nothing without Him. We are not our own. We are bought with a price. He is everything. Anything we do or speak without Him produces nothing of life. It is death to us.
Words are the very determiners of our destiny, of our lives, of God’s plans being fulfilled in our lives and in this earth. What we say is what we get. I have watched so many people get the fruit of what they are speaking. It makes my heart ache to see what is happening in their lives. And they have produced it themselves by the words of their mouths. Of course, there is God’s mercy and there are the prayers of others to help offset the severity of people’s words. But eventually those negative, death-dealing words we have spoken about ourselves and over ourselves will come to pass, if we do not stop the flow of words which are contrary to God’s Life flow.
Every one of us today must realize the seriousness of our words and our thoughts. The only way we will correct our negative, earthly thinking is to put God’s Word before us day and night. We must change our thought patterns to conform to His will. We must change our words we speak to line up with His Word for our life. It is all about alignment. What are your words aligning you with today------sickness or health, poverty or wealth, death or life, love or hatred, joy or depression, peace or uneasiness? Every one of us should make it our determined purpose to think only God’s thoughts and speak only God’s thoughts, which we find in His Word. It is a daily commitment because we live in a world of contrary thoughts and words. Make it your determined purpose today to speak and think only God’s Word. Watch the change in your life come to pass.
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