He Is Our Source
There is a vision that people of the world have and there is a vision that people of the Word of God have. Even people can call themselves Christians and still view things through the eyes of the world, that is, depending on the world’s ways to sustain them. We must see God as our source for everything in our lives. He is the source of our financial security. He is the source of our health. He is the source of our very life, the air we breathe, every breath we take. He is the source of our peace and joy in relationships. He is the source of love in our lives. He is the source of sound, secure and loving marriages. He is the source of wisdom regarding the rearing of our children. He is the source of all wisdom for everything we do. God is our source.
As I have mentioned these different areas of life, is there one that caught your spirit man with an “uh, I don’t know whether I am doing that or not”? Our Heavenly Father is to be the ultimate and final source of everything we do. He is to be the One to Whom we look for direction, guidance, input. The Holy Spirit will lead us. He will guide us if we yield to Him. He knows all the answers. We know none, except through His direction. I find it rather amusing that we who are so miniscule in comparison to Almighty God believe that we can do it better than He can. We may not say that but our actions on occasion indicate that we believe we have it all together and really don’t need Him.
You may be sitting there with tongue in cheek and saying that you totally believe God is your source. Oh, really! What about the times you have jumped out ahead of Him and made a decision that you “knew” was right without first consulting Him. Many times it is only because of His mercy that we don’t mess up. And people pat themselves on the back and say that they did it. It is by the grace of God that we do anything in this life.
I have found myself lately being reminded of the “little things” that I don’t consult the Lord on. By ‘little things,” I mean something as small as this----when to go to the grocery store for the best prices, which one to go to, and what time of the day to go to avoid the crowds. This is important to me because of my time which is in God’s hands. Or, what about this: which Christian meetings are you to attend? Or what about this: what clothing am I to wear to that appointment? I know you don’t think this makes any difference. But there are several things at work here. First and foremost is the practice of hearing God’s voice and being obedient. When we are obedient in the small things and have learned to hear His voice, then when a major event occurs, we are ready. If He says, don’t go your usual way to work today, we don’t say that is silly. We obey and avoid the critical accident that happened on our route that we would have been involved in. And in terms of something as simple as the clothing we wear to an appointment,there may be a certain color that “turns someone off” and could cost you the contract. It is the simple acts of hearing and obeying that prepare us for the bigger things.
We must practice hearing the voice of the Lord, particularly in the days in which we live. As we hear His voice and do what He says, we are learning to choose Him as our source. Then when adversity or trials attempt to come our way, we are ready to look to the Lord as our source and go on through to the other side without stress and worry. Why? Because we have learned earlier to lean on the Lord as our source and to look to Him for guidance.
I consider this subject one of the most important subjects in the last days. We MUST know our Father’s voice and not follow the voice of a stranger. And the way we do that is through practice, practice, practice on what we consider little things.
The Lord has provided us with all things. He is our source. He is not only our source for physical things on this earth. He is our source of strength and stability and wisdom and love and peace and joy and faith and patience and kindness and temperance. HE IS OUR SOURCE.
2 Peter 1:3,4 tells us that He has given us all things that pertain to life and godliness through personal knowledge of Him. We read here that He has given us precious promises so that we might partake of His divine nature and escape the corruption that is in the world. He is our source and His Word tells us what He has given us. Study His Word on a daily basis to glean from its fields the ripe grain that is ready to be picked and eaten. His Word will mature us. We will grow up and lean and rely on Him for our sustenance. He is everything we will ever need. What we have to do is to look into His Word, which is the place of liberty and freedom from cares. In His Word we find what we need. We find the direction to live a long and strong life while we are here on this earth. We learn how to truly live a life of abundance, a life in which we are carefree. We cast the whole of our cares, worries and anxieties on Him and depend on Him for direction. He will never fail us nor forsake us. It will be a life of success and victory time after time after time. HE IS OUR SOURCE!
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