Confession For Good Ground
Lord, my heart is receptive to your word.
I will receive the Word of God.
My heart is prepared to receive God’s Word.
I receive Jesus, the Living Word and also the written Word of God.
I receive the Word of God as the seed of life for me forever.
It is incorruptible, indestructible, unchanging, eternal seed.
My heart is good soil, good ground for this Word of God seed.
I am being changed from glory to glory as I behold in the Word of God as in a mirror the glory of the Lord.
Victory and success are mine because of the power of God’s Word being planted in my heart. That Word comes to full maturity in me and is harvested.
Thank You for Your Word, Lord.
My heart is good ground.
I pay attention to Your Word, Lord.
I listen to Your Word.
I look at Your Word.
I keep Your Word in my heart, in my spirit.
Your Word is life to me.
Because my heart is good ground, the seed of God’s Word will produce good fruit, some 30, some 60, some 100 fold.
I do understand God’s Word. I have revelation knowledge of God’s Word. Satan will not steal it out of my heart.
Psalm 119:18, 130, 125, 97, 103, 133, 38, 89
Open my eyes that I may behold wondrous things out of Your Word. The entrance of Your Word gives me understanding. Thank You that You give me understanding. I love Your Word. How sweet are Your words to my taste. Order my steps in Your Word. Your Word is established in my life. Forever, O Lord, Your Word is settled in heaven and in my life.
My heart is free of offense and resentment and bitterness toward God or anyone else. Any place in my heart where there is darkness, reveal it to me. Enlighten my darkness.
I will remain steadfast, steady and will not stumble or fall away.
My heart is free of the cares and anxieties of this world. The pleasure and deceitfulness of riches do not cause me to stumble. I am free from care concerning my finances. God is my source and He will tell me what to do.
1 Peter 5:6,7 Amplified Bible
I humble myself under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt me in due time.
I cast the whole of my care, all my anxieties, all my concerns, all my worries on Him for He cares for me. He will perfect that which concerns me. I give it all to You, Lord. I release all my care to your hands. I know that you care for me.
I desire Your Word above all else. Nothing takes the place of You or Your Word in my life.
My heart is good ground.
Love Himself is in my heart. He is producing good fruit.
Love Himself cleanses me continually.
The rain of the Spirit of God is bringing cleansing water and growing the seed in my heart.
Thank You, Lord, for creating in me a clean heart. This is Your doing and it is marvelous in my sight. You have taken out my stony heart, performed heart surgery and created Your heart of Love, free from the stones of the world.
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