Prosperity Seed
The next seed packet is one that so many Christians are hesitant to open up and definitely hesitant to sow. It is called prosperity and it has gotten a “bum wrap” because satan does not want God’s children to know what it really means. So, it has been hidden behind such phrases as “get rich quick scheme” or "it’s all about money” or “that’s all they think about, money.” In fact, prosperity is a much broader subject than money. Money is included as just one factor in prosperity, but there are so many other facets to this word.
Let’s look at prosperity from a purely dictionary definition viewpoint. I am using The 1828 Webster’s Dictionary for my definitions. First, let’s look at the word “prosper.” It means to be successful; to succeed; to grow or increase; to thrive; to make gain. Prosperity is defined as advance or gain in anything good or desirable; successful progress in any business or enterprise; success; attainment of the object desired.
Since success appears to be such a big part of the definition of prosperity, let’s look at the word “success” or “succeed” in the dictionary. Succeed: To obtain the object desired; to accomplish what is attempted or intended. Success: The favorable or prosperous termination of anything attempted; a termination which answers the purpose intended. Successful: Terminating in accomplishing what is wished or intended; having the desired effect.
In God’s Kingdom we are talking about achieving the desired end result in our spirits, our souls, our bodies, our relationships, our finances. Anything that involves our lives must be included in prosperity or success.
Let’s look at prosperity overall. What defines prosperity in our spirits? The desired end result for us spiritually is to be born again and to walk with the Lord in our daily lives, putting Him first in all that we do. The desired end result for us in our souls is that our wills are conformed to God’s will in our lives, that our emotions are guided by the fruit of the Spirit of God, and that our minds are renewed with the Word of God. The desired end result for us in our bodies is that we walk in divine health. The desired end result for relationships is that we walk in love and peace with one another in unity. The desired end result for finances is that we have all that God has intended for us to live on this earth and to finance the Kingdom of God in this earth.
So, you see now that prosperity involves so much more than money. You can have all the money you need and be sick. You can be healthy and not have enough money to pay your bills. You can have a wonderful love walk and not know how to put God’s Word to work in your life. You can have plenty of money but not know God’s will for you on this earth and have your emotions totally out of balance so that you are running from one counselor to another and one psychiatrist to another. Prosperity is about the whole person. Wholeness is what God majors in.
The first seed we will take out of our seed packet, the Bible, is 3 John 2
Beloved, I desire, wish, pray above all else that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers.
If our soul (mind, will and emotions) is not prospering, other things in our life will not line up. What is the solution to a prosperous soul? The fullness of God and His Kingdom is the solution. His fullness for us involves His Word being in our mouths and hearts, His Holy Spirit having the complete right in our lives, understanding and use of His name that is above every name, and understanding and application of the blood of Jesus that was shed for us. There you have it----His Word, His Spirit, His Name and His Blood. It is a total package. One without the other is incomplete.
Tomorrow we will look at more prosperity seed. For today let’s focus on 3 John 2 all day.
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