Love's Gift
Here is what I want to get to today. A friend and I were talking today and the Holy Spirit spoke to us about each one of us being Love’s gift to one another. We in the Body of Christ, we who are the Bride of Christ are given to one another as gifts. Each one of you is a gift to the rest of us.
Let’s talk about how we treat gifts. When my husband gives me a gift, I am so excited. I am thankful for the gift. I thank him and express my love toward him for bringing me a gift. I appreciate the gift. I look at it. I consider it a part of my life from that moment onward. The same should be true for us in the Body of Christ. We should consider one another as precious, special gifts.
Every person in the Body of Christ has qualities that will help others. You are not someone who has nothing to give to others. You are a gift to other people. Stop seeing yourself as worthless, of no value. The Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit see you as precious, valuable, of great worth. You and I are to see each other that way, as well as see ourselves that way.
In John 3:16, a very well memorized scripture, we read this in the Amplified Bible. I love the way this particular version of the Bible presents John 3:16. Listen to this.
For God so greatly loved and dearly prized the world that He [even] gave up His only begotten (unique) Son, so that whoever believes in (trusts in, clings to, relies on) Him shall not perish (come to destruction, be lost) but have eternal (everlasting) life.
Isn’t that beautiful. God so greatly loved and dearly prized you that He gave you Jesus as His gift so that you could be free to come to Him and be dearly loved. You are His prize. You are His unique gift to the world, just as His Son Jesus is His gift to the world.
God created you with giftings that no one else can do like you can do. If you don’t think you have anything for anyone, ask the Holy Spirit to show you what your giftings are. He will be happy to do so.
You are a gift. You are love’s gift to your family, to your friends, to your church, to your community, to your nation. You are a gift that Love Himself created. He put within you all that you need to do what you were created to do. God, Who is Love, Love Himself created you uniquely you, just the way you are, to impact this world in which you live.
I want you to ponder this: You are God’s gift, Love’s gift to others. You have a part to play in other people’s lives. You are important. You are valuable. You are precious. Why? Because God, Love Himself, created you. You are one of a kind. There is no one else quite like you. You are not like anyone else.
Let the Spirit of God develop within you those things that make you special. Don’t try to be like other people around you. Be yourself. Let God develop your special qualities. You have a job to do for Him in this world. Let Him help you to do what He, the Master Designer, designed you to do. When you allow Him to develop you, you will have fun in life doing what He created you to do.
If you are not enjoying life, turn to your Creator and ask Him what the problem is. More than likely you are not doing what you were designed to do. In this earth, earthly objects have certain jobs to do. A dishwasher cannot cook a meal. Neither can a stove wash dishes. Are you getting my point? You cannot do what God has designed somebody else to do. And somebody else, whether it is your mate or your friend cannot do what God designed you to do. Remember who you are: You are God’s gift, Love’s gift, to the world. You are special for others.
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